Anyone else having issues with pop ups when I log in using my I Phone? It is usually some Amazon spin to win and basically I have to close the app and re-open. It seems to be happening more frequent. Just curious if others are seeing the same thing and any recommendations to eliminate the issue.
I down loaded a free app from the Apple store called adbye and it stopped the problem. The only issue is the once in a while it will interfere with a legit pop-up and I need to disable it for a few minutes. Otherwise, it is pretty flawless.
I get rewards from time warner evertme I get on sometimes 2-3 times. I unsubscribed and it says it takes 10 days.i immediately got another...
Yes, definitely having issues with it. I think I may try to download the adbye mentioned above and see if it helps. About 4 out of every 5 times I've been having to shut down my browser and restart. Hopefully the app will help it.
Yeah I get this one and it is driving me crazy. Still trying to figure out how to get rid of it...and why I got it in the first place. It all started with those freakin snow flakes and Steve playing with advertisements.
If it's something to do with the site then it's not intentional and will be removed. With Christmas and the New Year my contact with my rep from the ad company has been limited but it's top priority for both of us.
Yes, for sure and understand Steve and also surely not intentional and may not be related at all. I was just pointing out when it started, at first not that frequently but recently it has been relentless to the point of almost unusable. I just did some web searches, made some changes in browser settings on iphone, cleared cache, uninstalled and reinstalled web link to CCC, etc. and for the moment all is good.
No probs. I had previously mentioned this before Christmas to my rep and she disabled something hoping it was the source, seems not. I'll be back in touch with her tomorrow.