Would like to bring a pool float or tube to relax in the pool. It doesn't sound like the resort provides this and I was wondering if I should bring my own. Second question is who going to blow it up for me?
People do bring tubes and floats. Some people leave theirs and the ent crew probably has a collection you could ask to borrow one from. As for who will blow it up...Just bring a pump. No problem.
We are here now and have yet to see any in the pool. Actually there are not very many people in the pool in general. It is very cold.
In November the pool floats that people brought, in our opinion, were a nussiance. Always bumping into people, and shorter girls got hit in the back of the head if they didnt see it coming.. they drove people to actually move and get out of the pool .
Wife has two massive floaties. If they bump your wife in the back of the head it’s time to do shots and more bumping.
Have seen some get 'accidentally' popped by lit cigarettes, especially the ones who want to cling to the swimup bar while in a floatie