There is a peaceful protest outside the Cancun Palace today to protect Pok Ta pok golf course and surrounding area. Anyone feel passionate about it , the protest is at 11am. Tracey
Dumb question: Why would you protest a golf course that's already built? I heard rumors that they are thinking of building condos on Pok-ta-Pok, is that what people are protesting? Can you give details?
Hi yes the feeling is still that Condos will be built along the whole waterfront of POK TA POK. Apparently the land has already been sold and plans are going ahead regardless of local authorities denying it. The protest was held at Cancun Palace because the director of Fonatur was attending a large meeting there.Local Tv and radio were there to interview protestors etc. Tracey
I heard that the Director of Fonatur was going to be at the Cancun Place. If that is true, then that would be a reason for the protest there. If it is about Pok-ta-Pok then it is about not letting them change the zoning to permit the construction of high-rise condos in that piece of land. Some politically and economically wealthy people bought the golf course from the Kelly Group. Kelly sold it in an attempt to pay off what he owes and get out of the Chicago accommodations that he is in now. They bought it to build condos on. It is, from what I am told by people who know golf, that it is not a good golf course. I do know that it is a big money loser and is not able to compete with all of the other options available in the area.
I still don't understand but thanks anyway. "England and America are two countries separated by the same language." -- Sir Walter Besant