ok so my wife and i are planning our third trip to cancun in two years( monterrey nl mx - cancun) live in laredo but drive to monterrey and leave from there...anyways first time we went with provotel, second trip aviacsa and best day seperate....and today i run into www.vivaaerobus.com and i know i must be dreaming. $105 round trip from mty-cancun (with all taxes) ...i am simply waiting for someone to to spoil this day for me ...anyone with info thanks
Wow, that's quite a find! And you appear to be absolutely correct. Good job, Laredo! Who ever said South Texas was too far from everything to catch a good deal?
Viva Aerobus start they operation recently and being partners of Rain Airlines from Europe known to fly at the chepest cost. Their aircrafts are all new but the bad news are that they had been long and I really mean long delays in their departures, the ailine based in Monterrey, Mexico had been warned twice by the authorities to arrange their operation or the routes will be taken from them as just happen to Aero Madrid with their flights from Madrid to Toluca. This X-mas I used them to bring my parents from Monterrey to Cancun, they use a different terminal in Monterrey not the regular one, the seats are not assigned so you just board and get the one you like, their flight coming to Cancun arrive with 1:30 hours delay but the flight going back that was supposed to depart at 11:45 PM did not depart until 1:50 AM so they arrive to Monterrey 4 AM.
i guess a two hour delay is ok since aviacsa is $385 dollars r/t and vivaaerobus is $110...r/t......heck i'll be ok for a 3 hour delay........i heard that some flights were cancelled at first but that supposively has been taken care of.
Apparently thye ended up leasing a plane off Magnicharters for a while while they waited for their own planes to show up. Currently have 2 737-300's running with 2 more due soon, all leased from US Airways, I think.
I am going to Cancun Via Magnicharters, when I bought the tickets, tehy had a deal of 777.00 MXN from mty to cancun. Thought it was an excellent deal.
Magnicharter is a very well company with huge leather seats, all you want to drink and very punctual.