OK so we are couple that goes on vacation not to go and hook up! But we are very open to the life style with the right couple women or male. Can some body tell us how the wrist bands work? Do we take the wrist band, Do we ask for it in the resort front desk? Please let us know and help us? Thank you very Much Andrea & Mario!
The one wrist band is the one they give to you when you check in...Needs to worn at all time while at Temptations Resort...Will pay up if you lose it..LOL.. Then there is the orange bands that some are talking about that just says that you post on Cancuncare! So people will know. As for the other colors..I'm sorry to say that i'm not really on top of that...since i'm single...LOL...:icon_smile:....
I remember passing over that thread..I think " x" meant that you were straight/Not interested..." xx " was for swayers...possibly trying it.." xxx " was for swingers..willing to play!! But i could be way off base...LOL... Either way..Everyone is welcomed!! I think the bands were a suggestion.
some ppl from the site wear orange wristbands to help identify a member of the site...great way to meet people and strike up a conversation....some take it a step further with the x's...no x's=not interested, 1x is flirty, 2x is "swaying", 3x is....well what else does xxx stand for? lol i will say however, that when we were there in november that we were the only ones that we saw with orange wristbands on...
maddbomber...do you go every November? we are novermber regulars. Nove 25th-Dec 2nd this year Oh and for the first post...I never heard of the wrist band thing before, as far as marking them...news to me. Now I guess I know what to look for
The orange wristbands worked very well for us lot in March, met so many lovely people from here, that we probably would not have recognised if it was not for the wristbands, most of us did not bother with the XXX !
Thanks for the replys it gives us a better understanding about the wristband post. May be we can request for the hotel to provide the orange wrist band.LOL
orange wrist bans can any one tell me where you can get these wrist bans from what i understand that bands saids you are a cancun care repeter,maybe some one get strait on this matter thank-you in advance THANK-YOU BAKE