Just asking for advice... 1. going july 27-31...anyone know the theme nights? 2. what to wear on those nights...? 3. booze/Boobs Cruise, should we sign up and what's it like? 4. I would consider us swayers...any advice? 5. what do guys wear mostly and girls that are newbies? thanks for all the help that respond....we are definitely fresh meat. only been out of the US once
After our first trip to BBG, now TTR my wife said"Remind me not to be quite so conservative in what I wear next time." Any help?
The first few years we went Bonnie had trouble staying under the Baggage weight limit. Now her suitcase is half empty and I put stuff in it
See you there!!!!!!! No theme nights have been planned for those dates yets as far as I know but we def would love themes!!!!
* You can wear anything you want! Men must wear long trousers to the bookable restaurants. lingerie if you are there on a Thursday. White clothing on a Friday night, if the pool party is on a Saturday - swim-wear (after dinner) * Do the Boobs Cruise if Steve is running one whilst you are there. * Advice for swayers, never plan too much, take each day as it comes! * during the day mostly swim-wear, boys in trunks/ shorts/ speedos/ thongs if you are brave. Girls in very little - bikini bottoms (and tops if you wish) thong bikinis. I did not see a one piece swimsuit this time. *Evening - club-wear, dresses, anything you want to wear that you feel comfortable in. Check some of the older posts on here, numerous post have been posted on these subjects. Have fun xx
thanks we appreciate all the info and advice. we definitely are very excited to go and everyone seems so nice. we have been to a couples only resort once. it was beautiful, but very boring at night we will continue to look at older posts as well. but keep sending ideas if you think of them
i have heard steve booze cruise are great fun never have been on one but hoprfully there will be one while im there this time