Can anyone suggest our best choice to call back to Canada? We expect to have to spend a fair bit of time on the phione, even in paradise. Should we purchase a disposable cell locally, a calling card for a landline etc? Has anyone had luck using Skype? Thanks all !
I wouldn't go with Skype, as wireless internet connections in the hotel (which aren't that great) are up to $15 a day. You could look at an international calling card (but the price will be up there if you use your room phone to dial out unless you want to use a payphone. Instead I think you would be best served by either adding calling from Mexico onto your cell phone (I know Rogers offers it and am sure that Telus does as well). I know that you can get GSM (Rogers, telus iphones etc) coverage in Cancun and think you can get CDMA (older telus / bell phones) as well. I think there is a service you can rent a cell from in Cancun (search Cancun valet on this site) which might be able to help you too.
I used Skype last October personally...just because I can't be without wifi very long or I break out in hives. Seemed to work great from my iPhone...and the best part was, I could call people but they couldn't call me back! So, I got to be choosy about when I communicated with the outside world.
Can you help me understand how you were able to use your Iphone and Skype with the hotel internet service. I am willing to pay for the daily internet service with TTR if I am able to skype from my Iphone. Thank you in advance.
I downloaded the Skype app before leaving the states, and actually bought service to display my phone number when calling people (not necessary, but thought it was a good idea). I logged my phone on the wifi, and made calls with it. I was fairly close to the main building though, and the signal isn't that great over the rest of the resort. (I believe they were still using wireless B at the time.) My original plan was to make wifi calls with my wife's Tmobile Blackberry, but the signal couldn't handle it. Does that explain enough?
Just checked with telus today...bought a new to get mexico activated on your phone for a set price....roaming charges could be up to $1.45/minute (US roaming) (never thought to ask Mexico prices)....or more without it
We inquired through Rogers regarding our Iphone4. It can be used in Cancun to call or text to Canada. They have plans where you can activate International plan for $40 for 70 minutes. Same can be done with texting. You just have to make sure your Data Roaming is turned off.
If you don't plan on talking a lot, you can buy a phone card at the mini mart next door to TTR (literally a 1 minute walk). The card cost us about $15 in January and gave us enough minutes for a 5-10 minute call every day for 7 days. Can't remember the exact number of minutes, but it was plenty for a phone call home to check in. And there is a phone right in the mini mart where you can call from making it super easy. Not sure if you can use the phone card from the resort...something tells me you can't without incurring extra charges. Not as convenient as calling from your iPhone, but it's cheaper and has zero chance of you being hit with any other surprise charges (but telus, rogers, and bell would never do that...right?).
Just by turning my Rogers phone on to check to see if I had any messages cost me a dollar. Didn't even make a call or open any messages.