Hi everyone. I have a big favor to ask all of you that wont take much time. The BACKGROUND..... As some of you know, right before Christmas one of my students house burnt down while the kids were at school. The dishwasher caught fire and the house burnt down. They lost everything and their home was considered a total loss. The family has been trying to rebuild their home with the little they have left, but they don't have the money or the man power. The insurance money the family received paid off the mortgage on their former home. The Jessee family has 4 children. An 11 yr. old boy, twins boys age 9, and an 8 yr. old girl. The family was given a temporary 2 bedroom trailer, however, they only get to keep it for a year. The community has rallied to replace some of their necessities, however, they have no place to put them. The Jessees' are all around good people. They adopted their oldest child from a family friend who was in trouble. They have helped nearly 25 people that were homeless or had fallen on hard times over the last few years. While helping others, they have endured lots. One of their sons has a heart condition that was almost fatal. The family is an all around good Christian family. And they need your help!! The FAVOR..... The family has been noticed by ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition. However, they need signatures.... lots and lots of signatures. There is a website where u can electronically sign the petition to have ABC select them. When u sign the petition all u need to put is your name and email address. When u click sign u will go to a page where they want u to pay money for the website. You don't have to do that, just X it out. Your signature is recorded as soon as you hit sign. Here is the site..... http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/thejesseefamilyextrememakeover?e Please forward this to anyone you know. The Jessee's really do deserve this. thanx, Karan and Janie for bringing this to my attention.
Signed, good luck to them. I hate to see stuff like that happen, it's so sad. I hope they are selected!
I just posted the link to this message on my myspace bulletins, so hopefully more people will sign it....
I just now noticed that they are from West Virginia... I went to re-read the petition, and check sigs, but my sigs still are not showing up... I also looked to see how far away I was located from them.... Route summary Start: kermit, wv End: Great Cacapon, WV Total distance: 359.6 mi Estimated time: 5 Hours, 13 Minutes