Does anybody know how to get programming information for the Parque de las Palapas? One of the things that led us to come to Cancun was a wonderful modern dance performance we saw there while in Cancun overnight to catch a connecting flight. We live nearby, so if we knew about events we could see more of them. But, I've never been able to find a source of info for upcoming events for this venue, and I've done some looking. Anybody know anything?
I've searched for this information as well, with little luck. The best I've found are these fliers from the Instituto Para La Cultura y Las Artes. There is a section called "Cultura en tu Parque" that includes some events in Parque de las Palapas. But here's the problem - that last I've been able to find is from September '09. If I replace "septiembre09" with "noviembre09" in the address it doesn't bring up a more recent flier. Aarrgghh. Here's the most recent, just to give you an idea of what the flier looks like.
GETTING INFO, ALMOST NEVER EASY Thank you, CancunGringa! This seems closer to an actual source than I've gotten, so far. I'll try going there, to the Instituto Para La Cultura y Las Artes, personally, and seeing what I can find out!
Success I went by the city offices called, "Instituto Para la Cultura y las Artes", where I spoke with some very pleasant and helpful staff, including the Director. They gave me a very fine, large poster showing all the activities they are sponsoring this month. It includes details on the program for the Parque de las Palapas, among other things. The same information is available online, as mentioned earlier by CancunGringa. To get it, you go to the city's website, then look down the left margin of the page to find, "Cartelera Cultural". Clicking that will produce the pdf file with all the programming for the month. Benito Juárez, Cancún. PRESIDENCIA MUNICIPAL 2008 - 2011 One of the most interesting things I noticed was a regular schedule of programming and activities for the prisoners, both men and women, four days a week, at the Carcel Municipal, just south of Lopez Portillo, in SM99. Have a look, if you're curious.