I've heard that you can do a parachute jump over cancun, is this true and if so has anyone got some information on it?
Im sure you can, although you are taking a big risk with that! Personally I have always been told not to bungee jump or do anything like that while in cancun, but.................. thats just me.
This is the lawyer in me talking but I would be leery of doing something like that in Mexico. Liability issues are very different. That's just me but I wouldn't do it.
Have no clue if it's OK to do in Cancun or not but I can HIGHLY reccommend it! I did one in Australia in July last year and it was the absolute dogs bollox! Theres nothing like a freefall at 200kph! Also bungee'd a few times before and that rocks too.
One Tip I have always lived by, dont do anything that can get you injured with more that one day remaining in your trip besides drink alcohol of course. I have seen individuals get injured the 1st day and have to be sent home on a very expenses med flight. The Only Activities, I do is Jetski and wont even do that Unless I have 1 day remaining. Atleast If you get injured or sent home You will have atleast enjoyed yourself and say, man atleast the trip was worth it, I broke my leg, wrist, arm, chip my tooth etc.... the last day I was in Cancun
Yeah I wouldn't even try anything like that in Mexico...Back in the USA sure why not, but not in Mexico,...
ya, keep me on the ground and safe! Its dangerous enough riding the bus late at night, hahaha, let alone jumping from a plane!