I'm going to be staying on Isla Mujeres this summer - what is the local and/or organic fruit and veggie scene like out there? I know at Whole foods right now everything says it's from Mexico I usually have a CSA (farm share) and then supplement it with the local farmers markets. I've never been to Mexico full time though.
Women from the Maya villages on the mainland come with their produce and sell it under trees or on corners near my house. It's as organic as you'll find here, but not certified. I also have a small garden I treat with compost. But, insects are terrible here. So you will likely encounter some pesticide residue on your produce. Wash carefully! Eat a lot of cilantro, it is a chelating herb. Some health journals suggest a tablespoon of cilantro pesto a day to remove poisons and heavy metals from your system. Costco in Cancun has some organice produce. I made a trip once or twice a month and stock up.
Scorpio: Organically grown foods benefit both us and the environment. Back home, organic fruits/veggies means that NO pesticides, insecticides etc. have been used, thus you are not eating any crap that doesnt belong in a fruit/vegetable I think you could call it "clean food"? No additives, no synthetic crap, no genetically modified stuff, etc. A banana is a banana, nothing more, nothing less. The way nature intended it to be In a dreamworld, organic would become standard
Scorpio- as I wrote, I'm concerned about food being local and organic. I'm sorry if that doesn't fit your idea of a vacation....but they are still my preferences...which is why I ask. I have enough medical issues that I don't need to introduce extra chemicals to my body. I'm not concerned with things being "certified" - would just prefer it as organic as I can get it....and if I can help Out some locals by buying locally, then even better!!
I'm there for a month! I'm pretty psyched! I will be spending as much time in the water as I can stand. Woo hoo!
I have always been curious about chickens and eggs. Not which came first but wonder if they are close to organic by cultural farming than by design. Both are noticably smaller in size than in the states so perhaps they are not pumped full of steroids, hormones or whatever. I did get some organic eggs from a farmer at the veggie restaurant with the Indian sounding name on Coba, next to where the old Tai Pei Buffet place was located. $3 each whereas they are about $1 each if you buy the crate of 30. I am told that they have some eggs at Mkt 23 for $8 each but they were not described as "organica" just that they did not have hormones from their mommies.
Strong questions / content to signature "drink all day" lol. Anyway, you're staying in isla mujeres. As far as I remember there is no big supermarkets or anything to buy food there. But I could be wrong since I only spent about 5 days, however I was out from dusk till dawn ripping around in my moped and on the beaches. You will probably have to ask around. The better your spanish the better the odds will be to find something. Going to a non-commericalized, family operated restaurant right in the middle of town would probably be a good start. If not be prepared to buy all your stuff @ costco/walmart in centro cancun and have to take the ferry across with everything. Infact im almost positive walmart doesn't have anything organic. Hell for whatever reason it was hard for me to find a good kiwi in that place. They also don't refridgerate the eggs either. Found that kind of weird and never saw it before. Went through about 90 of them over the month I was there and didn't have a problem. I cooked them though and wasn't going to attempt to try them raw. But yeah ask around with the locals that own little restaurants in downtown isla mujeres where they get the meat/produce from. Goodluck