So we went to Party City and got the rubbery orange bracelets...has anyone tried them on? These won't fit a man's wrist! Tony snapped it in 2 trying to get it on lol...Oh well, for the couples, the women can wear them... For those of you that don't know what I'm referring to, these are orange wristband bracelets that Cancuncare folks wear in order to find each other at TTR!
OK course I dont think these things are meant for 200 lb, 40 year old men! More meant for 10 year old girl's wrists lol...
You can get them in different sizes. Tequila ken brought them for the group in early May with 'swingers, swayers & monogamaters 2010' stamped into them. They we very usefull indeed. Hopefully Steve can come upwith CC bands and sell them on here.
I tried them last week...I had 10 maded with CANCUNCARE embossed..Several people saw them but it wasn't very popular..rangehat:
Seems like a pretty dorky idea to me. You have to find people to give them the wrist bands and when you do you then know who they are,,,,,,,AMAZING.......and that's also why we're having a meet and greet at Patty O's on Sunday night...
I got my orange bracelets yesterday at Party City. They are small. And they say "Princess" and "Star". I think the husband should wear Princess.
LOL I know! I got mostly "Star" and a few "Angel" and maybe 2 "Princess" can't really see it when it's on anyway.. I didn't know they came in different sizes, I guess they can be found on the internet...would have been cool to have them engraved too, I think Steve selling "Cancuncare" orange bracelets on here would be a great idea...that way ppl have them ahead of time instead of bringing them and giving them out like D&E said. I will add that I'm bringing ours to give to the friends I'm travelling with (15 of us).