When I visited Cablemas the last time they said their business was going to be known as IZZI, in the future, but they didn't tell me that my Cablemas service would end. I'm out of town at the moment so I don't know if I'm still connected or not but I do know, from checking my bank account, that I'm no longer being charged for service, billed to my credit card as I was before. Has Cablemas curtailed service? Are they requiring customers to renegotiate service with IZZI?
It turns out they changed my account number when they went from Cablemas to IZZI. This caused the auto pay to fail and also caused me to be unable to sign into the account, as I was no longer recognized. Using the chat function of the IZZI website I learned my account had a new number, was able to access my account and make the payment. Nothing else changed, it seems- same service, same price.