Go to your control panel here on the new board, the link is at the top left of the blue bar and says 'User CP'. Once there, on the left hand side you'll see 'edit avatar' click it. Then browse to your desktop and upload a picture from there OR, if it is hosted on another site then copy the url, and paste it into the box. For best results you should crop a picture down to 120 pixels wide to show the area of the picture you want as your avatar. Make sure you dont upload it as your profile picture. Profiles are different and allow larger pictures. Avatar is what you need to choose if you want it to show on every post like mine: <----- Job done! ===================================================== If you still cant figure it out then: Please feel free to send me your avatar pictures by email and I'll get them fixed up for you. Just attach any sized photo to an email and send it to me steve@cancuncare.com Remember to tell me your username so I know which account to add it to!
Added about 150 avatars to peoples profiles. You also have a custom profile picture that appears on your profile page. I noticed a few people had added avatar size pics to their profile. Profile pic is different to an avatar and can be quite a bit bigger. If you click someones name you can visit their profile.