Ok April Addicts. Here it is. TR from me Ok I was kinda thinking about doing this but it really takes so much time.Right? Yep hell yes it takes a bunch of time. To think back to all the good times you spent.They all kinda blend together.Seems like ya just walk through the front door into the lobby and.....next thing ya know you are trying to find a cab to the damn airport.In which Greg and Darci and I got totally screwed!!! Ok here I go.If I leave anyone out...well you have to take into consideration that I just got back from 2 for 1s and I have to work in the morning.Damn Im whining a bit.SORRY! First off. Ed and Susan. You have been there with me for every trip now.You guys know me better than anyone there.you know how my first trip was supposed to be and how it ended up.You took me in.You have dealt with my ups and downs from day 1. I remember my first trip and I was a wreck.I love you guys and you will always be near and dear to my heart.Until the very end you will be special. Im gonna throw a big warm shoutout to Rick and Vanessa too.Cant say enough.I looked forward to seeing you guys every day.Im sorry I missed you guys leaving.I jumped a cab with Greg and off we went.broke my heart not to see you before I left but Im sure we will lounge and share drinks together again. To DJ and Evelyn....every time I see you I feel like we become closer.Im sorry if I didnt pay close enough attention to the girls Ev.I just didnt wanna always stare.that woulda been a bit wierd If I ever get anywhere close to Pitt.Im so dropping by Who next? Ok lets go with Delicious Was great spending time with ya.You made my first few days memorible.You are a party animal for sure.Ya ever heard of sleep? Jim.Oh my old buddy Jim. We had some memorable conversations huh? First night.....sorry I left ya...well I guess Im really not but its the thought that counts right? Oh and I will always remember the last night.The balcony show and the mexican "cootchie" damn that shit is funny.Im so glad ya made it.We kinda had a wingman pact at the beginning of the trip and Im not sure we did either of us any good but hey,we were there in thought right? Bruce and Kim.Well I just cant say enough about meeting you guys for real this trip.A pleasure. I loved the singing late night with you guys.No matter how bad I sounded I felt totally at ease singing along with ya.But it wasnt only that.Genuine people.Dammit Im choking up.Fuck Woody and Sue.Well we have been together for the last few trips also.Im not sure how Sue puts up with ya Woody all kiddin aside though..Ive never seen anyone get to grope so many breasts in my life.Damn you are good Ken and Joyce.....I cant help but smile when Im around you guys.Im gonna find time one of these trips to just get a few seconds and motorboat on Joyce.Hope you dont mind Ken. Greg and Darcy.I didnt get to know you guys all that well last year but i felt like I made up for some of that this year.Awesome people.If I ever get close to Omaha Im gonna get with you guys.I got your number Greg.Dont be suprised if I show up on your doorstep some night.You arent that far away. Roger and Barbie.Fellow Iowans.Next time Im heading to Tama Im stopping by.You guys kinda fucked up when ya told me exactly where you lived Ben and Lisa...Was a total pleasure meeting you.Was alot better meeting Lisa because...well for christ sakes she looks good in Jims swimtrunks but seriously.You guys are exactly why I go back every year.You always seem to meet new people that just kinda stick to ya.I hope to see ya next year. Bryan and Jess.I didnt get to spend as much time with you as I would have liked.Maybe because you ditched the booze cruise .But I feel like like I gained some new friends for sure.Jess you know by now that your champ quote will stick with me til my very end.i still laugh about that every time I think about it. Oh and I have to include Kris and Andi.My favorite couple from NYC.I had a great time talking to you guys.What a sweetie this girl is.And you are pretty cool too Kris.The girl with the rock hard belly and the fella with pasty white skin.Couldnt get enough of you guys and I will be watching for your FB status change.Its only official when ya post it on FB To the rest and dont think for one sec Im leaving you out.Im just pushing for 4 hours of sleep Dan and M-J.I wish I coulda got a couple more days.Got to shake hands with M-J and all I remember is how small her hand was.Just a tiny little thing. Doug and Val Glenn and Monique Vince and Wendy Donald and Bonnie Doc and Nurse Karyn and Matt Sharon and Terry Jeff and Deb Henry and wife (sorry Henry but Im not sure you told me your wifes name)Im guessing you did though and dont forget Keith If i left anyone out Im sorry. Was so good to meet you and I hope we will get a second dose next year. So in finishing.You never really appreciate the people you meet on these trips until you get back and you dont have them at your side anymore.Then you miss them.Its a great feeling that after 4 trips to TTR there are so many places around the US and Canada that I feel like I can go and see old friends.Its astounding.Its flattering actually.I miss you guys and look forward to seeing you next year (at the latest) And just a shout out. To the Burts,Petrins,Morse's,Dave&Sue and Judds.If you read this,it wasnt the same without ya and you damn well better be comin back. Love all you guys and hopefully you stayed awake through this rant Cya next year Chet
Great trip report Chet...reading all these trip reports makes me miss everyone even more and your right, especially on the first trip to TTR, people don't realize how much they are going to miss everyone until they are home and all these fantastic people aren't there to hang out with anymore. I seriously cannot wait until next year to be with you all again! Really looking forward to round 2 and getting to know you all even more! xoxo
That was amazing Chet thank you, it really brought a tear to my eye. Its so true how when you get home you not only feel that your trip happened in a blink of an eye, but also the people, I really can't get over how much I'm missing everyone. We really can't wait to see everyone again. If your ever up here in Canada (Alberta) let us know I'm sure we can get Bruce and Kim over and get the guitars out. Maybe we can write our own Blues tune... missin Temptations.
awww Chet, what a big mush ball you are.. haha!! its just kind of sinking in now because I got home late Sunday night and had to go straight to work all week, that I am not going to see most of you for a whole year..how freaking sad is that.. *sigh* but great trip report and I am happy to know that you are not at all that reaallyyy drunk guy barley standing in the middle of the dance floor that I met briefly last year...hahah!! ..
Haha Im am kind of a big mush ball but thats ok. I coulda told all about what I did and getting sick and drinkin but it really is about the people you meet. Like Jim said,Friends is what its all about. It really amazes me what a tight circle of friends I had when I was married. All local.Now my circle of friends stretches from Alaska to England.Texas to Boston and back to California. Thanks for the invite Deb.That makes me feel great when people offer up an invitation like that.Makes me feel that at least I didnt make a total ass of myself And Im already thinking about next year.
Okay Mush Ball Next year I give you a big dose of me. I am a little shy at first but look out. Nice trip report. It was so much fun to meet you and hang out with you,JIm, and Delicious. God I love that Diva. See you next year.
Ahh My good friend, Great Trip Report and you hit the nail on the head.. its sad when you come home and realize you may not see these friends for a year, Like you said it seems each year there are new great people that join our group that make it harder and harder to say good bye when you leave Mexico.... It was great hanging with you this year, the late nights with Bruce and the Gang were priceless and memorable and the " Cootchie" will bring laughter every time I think of it, I would say if your ever in New York, but you already know you have a friend for life in me buddy...so no invite needed, just show up and we can close down a few pubs while your here, Thanks for everything buddy and Next year, your wearing lisa's thongs