OK so the time has come, my boyfriend and I arrive tomorrow and as first timers my concern now that I have everything packed and ready to go is the OJ. I am probably the biggest OJ snob, not proud of it but it's what I love with my Vodka Everyone always talks about the alcohol but how is the OJ? I love Tropicana to put my taste into perspective Thanks ONE MORE DAY!!!!!
Can't comment on what it's like since the re-opening, but the previous OJ definitely sucked. Watery and too much sugar, I found the same with all of the fruit juices and just assumed this is a thing for all of the resorts in Cancun. Hoping it's improved and maybe they offer fresh OJ since the upgrade.
thanks I'll have to suffer through the first few drinks then lets be honest who even taste anything after that LOL
I like a little OJ with my Vodka, I'll leave out any OJ Simpson jokes, so I can inform you that like you I definitely have my favs. The OJ at TTR isn't the best or the worst. It has a bit of pulp, but they will strain it if you request. That is if they can find there strainer. It's sweet and watery. Don't expect Tropicana! My advice would be, take a few shots of lemon drops to dull your senses than start your Vodka infused OJ TTR binge!! PS, You're Avatar on the forum is sideways. It gives you the appearance that your laying on your back. Not that that's a bad thing. LOL
Inconsistent at best. There are days where it is thick and pulpy though but we haven't been there since reopening
We used to find they served fresh OJ for breakfast and bar mix at the bars the rest of the day. My wife is an OJ snob as well. She likes it fresh so she filled her Big Bubba mug in the morning with fresh juice and added vodka shots. This usually got to late afternoon.