Sorry to have to bring up this tragic subject, but I think it's gonna have to come up. We will be going in October. I think we should have an oil report. Looks like the way things are goiing, it will be something future attndee's should keep track of
rdubnpk The latest word I have heard is the entire Florida coast line is in jeopardy and they are in fear that the spill could reach the Atlantic. Again, it would take a monsoon type wind from the northeast to blow for days before Cancun would be in any danger. We, in the Florida panhandle, never have northeasterly winds unless the wind is associated with a hurricane.
rdubnpk BP officials were offering those whose livelihood might be affected by the spill $5000 if they would sign a waiver promising not to sue them for additional compensation. If this isn't the height of corporate arrogance, I don't know what is. Besides, with all the Senators and Representatives big oil has in their back pockets, we will be lucky to get half that after all is said and done. Word is they are buidling some kind of dome/ chamber in Louisiana that will be lowered over the source of the spill and allow the oil to then be sucked up in to a floating receptacle. The chamber is due to be completed in 7-8 days. Why wasn't one of these already manufactured and waiting should an event such as this occur?? Well, that is a good question.
Oil in our ocean All I've got to say is our thoughts go out to you folks down there. Not to mention the loss of wildlife that only trys to survive among us humans. Judging by past performance, we can't belive anything the government or the businesses are telling us and can only hold out for the end result.