Alright alright...@#$% aunt flo is due to pay a visit the second day we are there, she came way early last month putting her in town at the worse possiable time next month. Doctor said it is to late to do anything via birth control pills. Does anyone by chance know of a natural method to delay the dreaded visit? I know this is a long shot but worth asking.
I doubt there is anything you can do to delay it but there are Instead cups that allow you to still "do the deed". I have never used them but I hear they fit sorta like a diaphram and you hardly know it is there from what I heard.
Happened to my wife on our trip a few weeks ago. Didn't help the romance any but we still had a good time.
I never thought i would use these but I tried it last month, and i didnt feel it at all and it really worked well. My BF and i watched a video online on how to insert properly...of course using this doesnt help w/ the other symptoms....bloating, cramping, crankiness....ugh....ok i will ask around, when is your trip?
Since your trip is a couple more weeks away, why don't you try birth control pills anyway or the Nuva Ring. Despite what your doctor said, I don't see what it could hurt. From what I understand, the seven days before your period is when your progesterine levels sharply decrease and if you're able to maintain the levels, you may be able to delay your period. No guarantees, but its worth a try, in my opinion. Nuva Ring contains progesterine only. So try that. I loved it when I was taking it. Low dosage, so no side effects for me. I know I would give it a try. I'd be that desperate too
Happened to me on our trip too. I tried using pills to postpone it, but instead spotted for 3 weeks and got my period early, so I don't recommend starting pills just for this like I did. And I had worse than normal PMS, etc. I say take the chance, it might be a few days late, you never know.
Are you already on pills? If so, I'd just take them straight through. If not, then I think your doctor is right, because you have to start the first pack at a time that coincides with AF. :icon_frown: I wouldn't worry though. Lots of ibuprofen and an understanding guy, and I find that the romance is just as great (or greater) when Ms. Flo is around.