It really doesn't look like my dress will make it. Oh well next trip I guess. More time to get this body sexy.
Thanks for the info. According to their website, Wednesdays are Revelation Show. No idea if that actually happens, though..
Oh ya! The strippers! How could I forget?!! lol...I am seriously overworked and overtired. Yes, that's in Nice Shoes. Feel free to wear your theme gear there, I'm sure we all will, and then we go straight to Paty-O's after that.
About time for a bump! Donald, you've been falling down on my job again lol. You will have to take over when I leave for TTR on Sunday. The themes in red are the resort's theme nights. All other themes are ones chosen by Cancuncare members. Every Thursday we will be taking a photo in a Sexy Pool hot tub at 2 pm to see which week can get the most people in the tub, and if we can whump the butts of the Mayhem crew! Not a recommended activity for people who cherish their personal space. Hot tub photo to be followed by Harlem Shake (if we can get the right music cued up). Friday 12th ---------- White Night + Glow Night + Boobs Cruise Saturday 13th ------ Red Night - Kori's birthday - Official Start of Assless Wonder Week! Sunday 14th -------- Cowboy Night Monday 15th -------- Ladies White Shirt Night - Coco Bongo - GoGo's belated & Cindy's birthdays Tuesday 16th ------ 911/Rescuers Theme + Sold Out in 8 minutes woot! woot! Boobs Cruise + Orange Swimsuit Day - Adam's birthday + Betsy's early bday Wednesday 17th - Schoolgirl/Kilt Night - Toy Party 8:30 pm (private) - Tina's birthday Thursday 18th ----- lingerie Night - Stack the Hot Tub Challenge @ 2 pm + Harlem Shake Friday 19th ---------- White Night + Togas + Glow Night - Sold Out Boobs Cruise + Orange Swimsuit Day - Debb & Will's and Kevin & Sarah's Anniversaries Saturday 20th ------ Red Night and Fetish Night - Denise, Michelle & Brandi's birthdays Sunday 21st -------- Cancuncare Wear Orange Night - Rob and Paula's birthdays Monday 22nd ------- Ladies White Shirt Night - Coco Bongo - Allana's birthday Tuesday 23rd ------ 911/Rescuers Theme - Sold Out Epic Anniversary Boobs Cruise + Orange Swimsuit Day - Donald, Darren, Laura & Kelly’s birthdays + Jim & Michaline’s & Joe & Ashley's anniversaries Wednesday 24th - Schoolgirl/Kilt Night - Rob's birthday Thursday 25th ----- lingerie Night - Todd's birthday - Stack the Hot Tub Challenge @ 2 pm + Harlem Shake Friday 26th --------- White Night + Glow Night + Boobs Cruise + Rob & Dee's anniversary Saturday 27th ----- Red Night Sunday 28th ------- Cancuncare Wear Orange Night - G's birthday Monday 29th ------- Ladies White Shirt Night - Coco Bongo - Karen's birthday Tuesday 30th ------ 911/Rescuers Theme - Rainbow Boobs Cruise - Kevin's birthday - Fling Before the Ring Party
Get ready, kiddies! We are only 2 DAYS from the start of ASSLESS WONDER WEEK!!! :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: :bootyshake: Drivers, start your engines...
ok got our cowboy outfits ready for sunday... gonna be awesome. hope there's gonna be quite a few cowboys and girls out there.