I just got this information from GP.. thought I would post in case anyone needed the information. Email: Yansan Martinez at weddings@goldencancun.com COCO BONGO Ø Regular entrance Pre-sale (before December 30th, 3:00 pm) 130 usd per person Open Bar (before December 30th, 3:00 pm) America Captain Show (new show) Regular price (from December 30th, 3:01 pm) 170 usd per person Ø Express Pass Pre-sale (before December 30th, 3:00 pm) 160 usd per person Regular price (from December 30th, 3:01 pm) 200 usd per person DADY´O Ø Regular entrance Pre-sale (before December 30th, 3:00 pm) 100 usd per person Open Bar (before December 30th, 3:00 pm) Dinner (Snack all night long) Regular price (from December 30th, 3:01 pm) 130 usd per person (Express pass before 10:30 pm with reservation) PARTY´OPOLIS Ø Dady´O, Sweet & Ultra Louge Pre-sale (before December 30th, 3:00 pm) 120 usd per person Open Bar (before December 30th, 3:00 pm) Dinner (Snack all night long) Regular price (from December 30th, 3:01 pm) 160 usd per person (Express pass before 10:30 pm with reservation)
damn! thats more than the usual american NYE prices! id party at the tiki bar instead and give half of that to Jose/Gabriel/carlos for tip