I am running some last minute errands and stopped to get a few cans of whipped cream since the naughty fun starts tomorrow, and there isn't any!!! Virginias liquor stores have discontinued the product completely. So sad I am hoping some of our new friends have brought enough to share. Landing in Cancun in 24hrs!!!
For future reference finewinehouse.com had it available and I ordered it from there as i couldnt find it in stores. We are bringing quite a bit, we will see how far it lasts.
If you are close to WVA you can get it there. Damn ABC. This is the price pay for state run liqueur stores.
Ok...well I totally misread the title of this thread. If you look at it kinda quick, it's easy to miss that darn 'r'. I was thinking...well, if it can't go there, why buy it??
Is this a state wide thing in Virginia? We live in Tennessee but I work in Va. Tennessee stores still have it but I haven't paid any attention in the Va liquor stores.
It is state-wide. I had the ABC manager check the rest of the stores. He said that because it has a shelf life, it wasn't worth carrying for them so all the Virginia stores have discontinued it. I will definitely order online next time.