Really important question: Does anyone know if I'll be able to watch the NFC Championship game at Temptation?? I will need to watch the Packers play on Jan 23rd or I'll go nuts. I know in Mexico they think football is this ridiculous game where you can't use your hands unless your shirt is a different color. If I need to head to Hooters to catch the game - I guess I'll just have to make due.
You'll be fine at the resort. Watched Dallas Minnesota last year at the sports bar there... No worries.
I'm in the same boat if the Steelers make the AFC Championship game. Maybe we can get the girls to dress up as
The Packers won't be playing that weekend so you will be able to enjoy your vacation without worrying about the game. BUT - just in case they do get by the Eagles you should be able to see the games at TTR. We were there in September and Fox and CBS were both available.
Scottydog, like they said you should be fine at the resort...ive watched many big sports games at the sports bar and pablo will change the channel if need be... but if something drastic happens and you cant, run across the street for the game and come back. The RIO has always had the games on too
rdubnpk One thing for certain is that I, being a Miami Dolphin fan, would have no worries concerning missing any playoff games while on vacation
pardon the interuption.......... who dat?! games will be on at the resort but if something were to happen and they had a major malfunction there are tons of places to watch the game - like jim said from rio to carlos and charlies tons of places will have the games on no worry