What is the difference between ccc themes and resort themes? How does it work if themes are not the same? Wich themes are usually better?
Ccc themes are themes that ccc members create. The resort themes are red night, white night, lingerie night. Usually most everyone does these themes. Ccc themes are more fun in my opinion. But we always do the TTR themes and maybe add a twist like sheer red or sheer white and burlesque lingerie on lingerie night. Ccc themes are usually done on nights that the resort does not have a featured theme.
Ajay explained that well. Another thing the CCC themes allow us to do is easily recognize CancunCare members on your first day or two at the resort...before you've met a bunch of people. Look for people dressed like you are, and you've got immediate new friends. Also, many people at the resort have never heard of Cancuncare...and those people will ask you why 50 people are wearing fetish outfits. It's a great conversation starter!
You'll see a thread by Month with all the themes listed that CCC members have decided on for that Month. For example: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/tem...1405-march-2015-theme-nights-living-list.html http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/30895-april-theme-night-ideas.html http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/31656-may-2015-theme-night-thread.html