Newbie report from Fourth week June Junkies!

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by FranKels, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. Mike and Ang

    Mike and Ang Addict Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    USA Transfers did a great job last year and also did a great job when we were there mid-June...I agree with Steve on the ratios and that un happy people here is a compliment. Great job USA Transfers!!!
  2. FranKels

    FranKels Addict Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    Baton Rouge, LA
    +0 / 0
    Day #3-
    Monday morning. Usually you wake up dreading a Monday, not here it's MIMOSA time! Did the usual breakfast run and went to the sexy pool to get settled in for the day. This was the day we met the best group of people ever! It was amazing how fast we made friends with people from here on the site. Of course my wife was clueless of everyone's screen names since she wasn't on here before, she is now though. We partied at the pool all day long, almost forgot to eat lunch. I think we went to Margarita's for lunch, which was great.
    We later hit Paty O's to finish the night off. I think it started raining pretty hard that night and ran everybody off, well off to the sports pool anyway. We called it early as we had a big day the next day.

    Day #4-Boobs Cruise day!!!!
    We were up and at em and ready to go! Boarded the boat and the party started immediately. Went swimming and snorkeling, which I enjoyed but will probably not do next time as it will totally kill your buzz. Once back on the boat we had to start all over. Kelsey and I had some great conversation with Jannet and Steve, as mentioned earlier, and oh yeah, we were naked at that point I think. Anywho, we go to the island and were smart enough to stay away from that nasty scorpion tequila. It seemed that as we arrived to the island that we ran everybody else off. Oh well. Their loss. we had a decent time on the beach, our only drawback was that I thought the beach was a little more secluded. There were young children playing just a few feet from the debauchery going on where we were. This made a lot of the mothers in our group uncomfortable and thus their tops(and bottoms) stayed on. And they did not enjoy themselves as much as they could have. I can't say I blame them, as I understand it, this is a public beach area. So we got back on the boat and sailed away to continue the party. Whitey got abused, only single guy on the boat, and got a souvenir to take home, on his ass. We really enjoyed the trip on the boat, Chinos and SexySarah69 made the party wild! I would have been fine with not ever having stopped at the island and just ate on the boat, or if we had gone to a more secluded spot would be the only thing I would have changed. But it was just a small hiccup in an otherwise fantastic adventure, that we will be doing again!
    We get back to the resort and continued to party like a bunch of drunken sailors.
    Paty O's BDSM night, I think, was ok, there wasn't a lot of participation in the theme. I went with the 50 shades of grey submissive outfit, my sexy black man panties, leg and wrist restraints, blindfold, and complete with feather tickler. I got more than a couple of stares. Ended in the sports pool very drunk and mostly naked.

    Day 5-I think today was the day I became semi-famous. Today was beer chugging contest day. Kelsey was a bit nervous as she had never seen me chug a beer in the 13 years we have been married. I reassured her I was a pro. So after eliminating all the competition, including Manuel, it was time to take on JJ. Bear in mind that JJ has not had one beer this entire time and I was on....14,15, or so. The table was set 4 beers each, the crowd was chanting "Frank the Tank!, Frank the Tank" Manuel counts 1, 2,(boom JJ starts chugging), 3 I started as soon as I saw JJ start. There I was 1/2 beer behind, I was pounding beers like never before, I had to catch up! As we both reached for the fourth and final beer at the same time, the foam pressure inside me had reached maximum capacity......and BOOM foam shot out of my nose, mouth, eyes, and I swear it felt like my ears too. I calmly set the fourth beer on the table and accepted my "defeat". Mind you I never puked, chugging as fast as I did to catch up to the cheater caused it to foam up inside me. It was quite the spectacle.
    I don't even remember the theme night for this night. I do remember that it rained again and pretty much ran everybody out of Paty O's.

    Days 6&7 (Grand Finale) Sooon to come! (Still trying to piece it all back together)
  3. Texas C&C

    Texas C&C Regular Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Fort Worth
    +157 / 0
    Great report. My wife and others in our group were also a little uncomfortable at lunch during the Boobs Cruise with the kids nearby. Also right as we were leaving, a boat pulled in and it had some kids on it too.
  4. FranKels

    FranKels Addict Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    I don't think they minded the passers by (on other boats) as much as camping out next to them on the beach. I guess it's kinda like a girl flashing on the highway vs. having a picnic in a strip club parking lot.
  5. Saywhn

    Saywhn Regular Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Southeast, US
    +40 / 0
    Great report so far, great meeting you guys we'll see you in September!!
  6. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Wonderful, looking forward to the finale.
  7. jandcfair

    jandcfair Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 3, 2009
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    The foaming nose was actually pretty impressive. You turned into a beer tap for a little bit there. As far as we're concerned, you took home the gold on that contest!
  8. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    Hahaha. I'll bring the bread and mayo, they can bring the roast beef.
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Just to clear up a few things

    Yes, all beaches in Mexico are public and anyone can access them. You'll sometimes see kids walking the beach at Temptation, and also at Desire. Business premises aren't permitted to prevent people using adjacent beaches. Also there aren't really any secluded beaches on Isla Mujeres, at least not ones that have both a restaurant and a dock that can take a boat with a 6 foot draft.

    We have a specified time slot arriving at exactly 1:30pm leaving at 3:15. During this time no other boats can use our restaurant, they either have to leave before we get there or arrive after we are leaving (which is why we seemed to 'run everyone off'). Sometimes other boats will miss their time slots slightly and leave late or arrive early so there can be crossover sometimes.

    At the beach club itself, we have a large screen erected between our club and the restaurant next door and also announce on the boat before docking that ladies have to cover their tops (and bottoms) as we make our way along the dock past the other restaurant to get to ours. We endeavour to inconvenience other beach users as much as possible.

    Once at the restaurant, topless is permitted. Bottomless isn't, and no sex either. Obviously some flout the rules, but run the risk of having the Police called which wouldn't be good and also could generate complaints that may put the future of the cruise at risk.

    So while it's anything goes on the boat, once we are in public areas we have to uphold at least a small level of decency :)

    We don't have the facilities or staff to cater/cook for up to 100 people on the boat. Unless we served a bag of chips and an apple, or no lunch at all. I don't think many would be happy with that on a 7 hour excursion.
  10. FranKels

    FranKels Addict Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    Baton Rouge, LA
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    I just wanna start this post off with, this is Kelsey and I am posting for the first time. I have to say a huge thank you to everyone we met on this trip. Y'all made us feel so welcomed and part of the family. Also I just want to say the boobs cruise is totally worth it. Yes the mother in me felt uncomfortable being topless with kids around and I chose not to take part on the island. That being said. We were not aware that there are no private beaches in Mexico. That being said, my feelings of uncomfortableness ( I know it's not a word) has nothing to do with the amount of fun and enjoyment we had on the Boobs Cruise. Chinos and his crew made the party but Steve Jannet's hospitality made us feel lkke family!!!! I would highly recommended this site to anyone and this cruise to anyone ready to party!! We love you all and will see you next year!!!
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