rdubnpk Things are getting a little ho-hum around here. We need another Stephanie site (or some facsimile thereof)!!
rdubnpk My apologies to all. PK's sister died Jan 1 after a long battle with brain cancer (she was my age and much too young to have that happen) then my Mother died Jan 18 so I have been out of the loop for a bit. But, yes indeed that is the site to which I was referring. Stephanie in all her glory (yum). There is one particlar picture which was the last one in the set attached to the initial grouping that has since disappeared, though. Those of us that were conniseurs (spelling?) of the sight know the picture of which I speak. It was just a hand (I believe it must have been Stephanie's though, since no other features were present, it could have been anyone) gently titillating an especially delightful body part from a rear view. Wouldst that I was that hand. And , yes, more would be most appreciated.