We're reluctant to dress up for some of the theme nights and I was wondering how out of place we would feel if we WEREN'T dressed up? She has sexy things to wear but doesn't want to go spend $$ on super sexy things. If we kind of go with the theme but not full bore will we still be part of the cool kids? We're a crazy couple to be sure but we start out slow......:icon_redface: We went to a pool party last year and when we showed up there were maybe two women with a top on and in 20 minutes so was Kimmy. We just like to dip our toes in the pool before we jump in.
no one will care if you are not in a theme outfit as long as your smiling and having a good time. the theme nights are just fun ideas to get everyone in the mood but won't make or break your night. it is the friends you make at the resort that will make for a great night. we partied with people in shorts and shirts on one side and someone else in a mesh teddy on the other side. everyone got along fine and no one cared what you were wearing or if you had a specific color outfit on or not. if money is a big issue, check out the yandy clearance section... 100's of outfits for $10-$12 range and many for less. look at what you might have a home already and you probably just need to buy a couple outfits. for some of the theme nights that you might not be in love with... lingerie or a hot dress is never out of place... doesn't matter the color... it is all about confidence and attitude as far as how sexy the outfit is, that is up to you. personally i would suggest like many suggest, bring something your comfortable wearing and then break something that might be pushing your personal limits... might be surprised what your comfort level is
You won't have to worry about that. Depending on when you go sometimes the theme nights costumes are few. Except for lingerie night and white night are always lots of participating but you will never feel out of place. Anything goes, their motto is "nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit". So whatever you feel sexy with is the key
It's not that money is the issue, we just don't like to buy stuff that we'll only use once. We'd rather have one expensive thing than 10 cheap things. I'm going to take her on a shopping spree after we get back from Disney and get her outfitted with the themes in mind so we don't stick out like a raisin in a glass of milk!
Don´t worry, you won´t stick out regardless if you choose to dress for the themes or not. In our experience about 20% dress up for theme nights (except, as MelnReg mentioned, the lingerie for girls and underwear for men in the lingerie night is a must if you want access to the disco where some fun stuff goes on, although it is not required for Patyo´s. That´s one of the sexiest theme nights cause most people do participate. We´ve seen people dress very casual the rest of the nights, even in bermudas, but most ladies that do not wear the themes do wear casual sexy dresses and the guys, jeans, dockers, etc... but people who do dress up for theme nights bring the sparkle on and set the mood just right so the more the merrier.
You definitely don't have to dress up for theme nights but you might find yourselves wishing you did. On our first trip Blondie did most of the themes and me very little and I felt left out. Our second trip was different, we both did it up for every night and we are doing it again May 3-13. So, if you think you might want to dress for the themes then I would encourage you to. They can be a lot of fun.
That's what I'm saying, we want to help in the allure....we're just scared/shy. It's just the naughty school girl and BDSM nights. We have some accessories that we can bring but clothing we don't have. :aktion047: Glow night, white night, and lingerie night we're good with.
I'm going to show Kimmy the Yandy site and see if she sees something she likes. One issue is that she's petite but has big boobies and it's tough to find something that fits her chest but is small enough everywhere else.
Try Sexy Lingerie Shop, Intimate Apparel Lingerie Store, Sexy Halloween Costumes. They have some very sexy dresses and costumes for her at ridiculously low prices and their customer service is excellent. In fact, you would have you stuff in no time as they are in PHX. For you, get creative, hit thrift shops, Amazon, Ebay. There are a lot of ways to do it without a huge outlay of cash in case you won't use the stuff again. My bet is that you will come back repeatedly and reuse different things for different nights and add to you collection until you have a juge box of TTR stuff. Most of us do.