This is a Powerpoint slideshow, so I know a couple of you peeps won't be able to see it. Pretty cool. The only question/problem I have with it is the shot of the "earth at night in the universe" taken from above the north pole. From that vantage, I would have thought that about half of the planet is in sunlight and the other half is dark except for city lights. Any explanation?
You would think the transition from day to night would be more gradual, but these images make it look very stark. The one night shot of North America certainly shows how much of Canada is still uninhabited .. and perhaps how much of the eastern coast of the USA is slightly over-inhabited. These types of shots remind me that the Discovery Channel is starting their "Planet Earth" series this Sunday. Saw a preview this morning, it looks amazing! One night video of a pack of 30 lions overpowering an elephant - something unexplained before now on how lions can take down a elephant.
I believe it was at 8:00 ET. Here's a link:
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it was winter in the northern hemisphere, making the nighttime longer because the sun is centered in the south? (Does that make sense?) Really cool BTW George
Way too Cool!!!!!!!! I think I saw my house. I guess I should stop sunbathing in my birth suit. Never know when NASA will come around taking some closes ups.