n00b questions for first timers

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by necroscopev, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. necroscopev

    necroscopev Newbie Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2011
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    A group of four of us guys are going for the first time in early October and had a few questions, some i have seen on the forums but i am looking for more clarification :) Here we go!

    1. What kind Beof outlets does the resort have? Do we need to get converters for American electronics?

    2. What are Orange bands? I have seen people talking about them and getting them on ebay but what are they and what do they do?

    3. Beer Pong Raft, does the resort have one? I saw people talking about them and loved the idea. If they don't have one is it worth mailing one there? Otherwise i read about a Walmart close by, could we maybe find one there?

    4. As time gets closer will a list be up of events? I have read about White Night, PJ Party, etc and want to make sure i pack accordingly.

    5. How to avoid the timeshare pitch!? Some people made it sound like a huge hassle some didn't....some people avoid the pitch all together by going straight to the room. Any tips? If we skip the concierge desk are we missing anything?

    6. Booze/Boob cruise. How are they? Is it worth it? I assume it is an extra expense.

    7. Any other tips on what to bring? I heard a Bubba Keg mug is nice to have, others said the beds were bad so buy a foam mat, is this needed?

    Whew! Ok i think that is it for now, thanks ahead of time for any advice! I can't wait to get there!!
  2. summerbum

    summerbum I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    I'll help with the ones I can! :icon_lol:

    Bubba kegs are a very good idea. We thoroughly enjoyed them. You can buy them at the resort as a souvenir if you don't want to pack them.

    The resort sponsors lingerie night on Thursdays and white night (I think it was Friday.) Lots of people participated in lingerie night when we were there. You'll need some form of underwear (crazy boxers, thongs, you name it). White night didn't have much participation.

    Other theme nights like schoolgirl night, glow night, etc. are unofficial and are arranged here on the forum.

    As for the timeshare, when we were checking in, the front desk had us see a "concierge." That person showed us a map of the hotel and "invited" us to a "welcome breakfast" and tour. They don't want to take no for an answer. They even wanted us to put down a deposit so we wouldn't back out! I got a little huffy at that and she dropped it. I admit it...I took the easy way out, said we'd be there, then didn't show. I even unplugged the phone in the room because I heard they call you repeatedly to remind you of your "appointment." Never had more contact with any of the salespeople after that.

    The Boobs Cruise is an absolute must. If there's one while you're there, don't miss it!!!! There is another cruise to Isla Mujeres, but it wouldn't be the same as the Boobs Cruise.

    Our bed had a foam mattress on it already when we got there, so I definitely wouldn't haul one with you! The beds are definitely harder than we're used to at home, but that pad definitely helped.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    The orange bands just indicate that you're a member of the forum, it helps you recognise others and vice versa. It's often difficult to recognise people from their avatars alone. The bands serve as an icebreaker for conversations with new people.

    Lifestyle/swinger couples will often mark an extra XXX on their bands but plain orange bands certainly don't indicate any kind of sexual preference, just that you're a member of this forum.

    The electric outlets are the same as in the US, no need for convertors unless you're from the UK.
  4. necroscopev

    necroscopev Newbie Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2011
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    Thanks guys!
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