Has anyone tried the new Mystic Tan at Fabutan? I have an appointment booked for tomorrow afternoon.... but so scared I'm gonna turn orange or that it'll be streaky or something lol!! Would hate for something funky like that to happen right before our trip! :icon_eek: ~Frances
They have really come a long way with mystic tanning. I think you should be fine. Not sure how long it will last though. Probably depends on how much time you spend in the chlorine. Just a thought...
I have owned a Salon with Tanning for 25 yrs, never have had the Mystic tan, but it like all Spray Tans is nothing more than a skin stain, ie makeup. this will not protect you from "real" sun, a indoor tan is at best equal to a spf 15 but more like an 8. Spray Tans are great for prom/ weddings, to even out an lines. Just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks for your reply I have been "pre-tanning" in a tanning bed, but it's just not going as quick as I had hoped. So I realize that the mystic tan won't protect me from the sun, I just want to get a little darker so I don't blind people with my glowing whiteness lol! Cheers
Hi!! Yeah, that's the only downer... the girl at fabutan did warn me that if I'm in the pool a lot, it won't last as long. Still wavering between going for it or not lol... I over-analyze everything :icon_rolleyes: