Moving back to Cancun Mexico

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Gosu, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Gosu

    Gosu Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Okay this is probably the weirdest post you will read but anyways Im planning to move back to Cancun Mexico(I used to live there, in fact I was born there lol) but I want to know how expensive it is now?
    I mean I know it is cheap for foreigners but Im debating to move to either Cancun Mexico or Leon Mexico( I also been there and I know is cheap to live there, a friend is renting me a house with 3 rooms for 1,200 pesos per month and I been to that house also and it is pretty good compare to the prices I used to know when I was in Cancun)
    My real question would be is there an steady job market? when I was 19 I live one year over there with my dad, and I was doing Timeshare in Playa del Carmen for Mayan Palace and also was a police officer for Cancun PD(Benito Juarez Municipal Police) in fact I still have a Cancun Driver license that says im a cop lol.
    But I dont want to do either of those, the first one well even tho the money is good Im not the kind of person that likes to ruin people vacation.
    And the second one, well who wants to be a Cop in Mexico this days, even tho I wasnt on the field, I was a Computer Technician and Translator at time at the HZ, I dont want that job back.
    So my question is, how expensive have Cancun got, I was there when Wilma 05/06. Can one person be living on their own without roomates? on a job at the HZ?

    Thanks and sorry if I couldnt explain myself right hahaha
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Welcome to the forum, sorry your question hasn't been answered before. We do get a lot of similar questions regularly, I recall one recently from a Mexican National returning home. If you scan back a couple of pages you may find similar threads that will be of help.

    As to how cheap it is, it's 100% down to your lifestyle. Many Mexican families live on low wages and seem to be happy enough. There are also a lot of well off people here. As a single, youngish guy then you should cope fine. Personally, as a middle aged guy with wife and two kids I find Cancun more expensive than the UK which folks often find surprising. I do think you'd be hard pressed to find a non-shared 3 room place in Cancun for 1200 Pesos a month, although if you dont mind living on the edge of town you may find something..

    Re the job market, we've been here since before Wilma and it really hasn't changed much - there are still tourism jobs but they have evolved. For example a lot of people now seem to be involved in social media promotion of tourism businesses whereas this didn't exist a few years ago. The pay is not great but the entry barrier is not very high either, so maybe something to consider looking out for considering you have some computer skills.

    Tourism has actually increased the last few years - so overall I wouldnt see much of a problem getting a tourism related job since you have good English skills and are a National with no immigration issues. Places like Playa del Carmen and Tulum have grown in size so there are likely more jobs there than there were pre Wilma.
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