How do you all carry your money around down there? Cash? Travelors Checks? Credit Cards/Debit Cards? Thank you.
I personally never carry everything with me at once, ill leave some in the safe just in case , ill leave some cash and a credit card in the safe and bring some cash and a credit or debit card with me....I have found you usually get the best exchange rates using your credit card or debit card... that just me though
Same here, leave most of the cash in the safe and keep smaller amounts w/ me, or larger depending on where i am going (cocobongo, isla mujeres etc)....I use credit card where it's accepted like at the airport or TTR giftshop.
If you plan on exchanging your money for pesos you may want to check with your bank. My bank will order me pesos at 12.1 to 1 at no cost to me. If I need to exchange pesos back in for dollars they change me a 10% fee. Something to check into.
The only problem with using credit cards is that now most banks are assessing foreign transfer fees for each purchase. Depending on how often and for how much the purchases are for, it can really start to add up.
we do trv checks- in $100 & $50 sizes. never a problem in passing them anywhere in cancun. seems the little guys (vendors etc) prefer the $50 size. we make 3 copies of trv cks and passports- 1 left a home and 2 placed in different suitcases. also be sure to call the credit card company and give them the dates of the trip plus about 2 days for unexpected problems to expect charges from cancun area. some companies will cut off service from unexpected locations.
We used cash.....and just a side tip, because I had soooooo many people asking, I found these little water proof cases at a dive shop online....they hang around your neck. About $6 each. the bigger ones hold a pack of cigarettes, a lighter and some cash. I got the bigger one for me and a smaller one for Trent (they are also great to keep the room key in). They had a few at the gift shop at the resort...but I would TOTALLY recommend them.
Great idea!! I am always carrying a ziplock bag around with my smokes/lighter and a few bucks One time someone stole the bag right off the bar in the sexy pool. The only thing in the bag was half a pack of smokes and a lighter... I hate thieves. This would solve that problem as it would be around my neck. Thanks for the great idea.... care to share a link for ordering??
We bring cash for tipping and use our credit card for about everything else as the exchange rate is pretty good. I bring a beach bag to keep money and stuff in while at the pool. We travel in a pack so there is always someone around to watch it. At night it all gets locked up.