Hey everyone!! This is Vonda. I want to say hello to all my friends I made during the best trip ever. I want to say hello to those I will meet soon as we will soon be repeaters! I want to remind everyone to please vote for September's Miss Temptation! Hopefully for me In Florida, about 3 hours before I arrived. Talk to you soon! :lotsofmichaelfs:
People who are already part of the forum before they win the competition always get my vote - especially those who I've met on the Boobs Cruise Vote Vonda! Although voting doesn't seem to be open just yet for September. But here's the link for when it is: http://misstemptation.originalresorts.com/index.asp And just to be fair to all contestants: In the past we've had several or sometimes all the monthly contestants here so to save the board from becoming overrun please limit the promo to just this one thread. Feel free to bump it up every so often. Pics will always help earn you some new votes and provide a good opportunity to push the thread back up top.
The voting for September has not started yet. I will keep posting pics everyday and I will tell you all when the voting starts. Thanks to all of you that have PMd me! Roosevelt Lake AZ
I'm running out of the PG pictures...Voting better start soon! Steve, remember you told me you would be upset if I didn't misbehave? Well, can I misbehave here with some PG-13 pics?