Mid Trip Update

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by westtexas, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. westtexas

    westtexas Addict Registered Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Thought I would post a few things at the mid point of our 16 day trip. It’s the longest we have ever been and around the 15th time we have gone to a TTR property.

    1. One of the best trips so far, second in July. Days are long, but it is very hot. Resort is def below 50% Monday to Thursday, then it picks up big time.
    2. Food has been very good. Have not had a bad meal.
    3. We only do a few of the theme nights, think a couple are terrible. Participation is not very high. Boogie night is horrible to us, along with the music. The 70’s sucked bad enough then, don’t need to be reminded of it now!! We also find school girl night disturbing, having two daughters. Just the way we feel.
    4. This is the most single guys we have ever seen here!!! Most left monday but more showed up!!! There were at least 3 big groups of bachelor parties, one was 14! But we never had a bad interaction. Others not so lucky. We left early Saturday night, had bad vibes from just the sheer number of drunk guys. Honestly, I bet 1/3 of the resort was single guys!!! And if you think TTR is worried, nope. We saw all the young lady entertainers in lobby one day dressed up, asked what they were doing, said the resort was having them greet a bachelor party checking in. Once again, we have not had any problems.
    5. Entertainers are the best group they have had in many years.
    6. Had meeting with premier, told them right off we would not be interested in anything they r offering, even free. They r pushing the hotel in DR. Sheet they showed us starts at $89k. I’m sure it’s negotiable lol. Can’t imagine buying in for something that has not been started!
    7. To clarify some premier stuff. They said the reason things have been taken away is to get people to buy new memberships or upgrade. So for instance, they don’t price match for us since it’s not explicably in our contract. But we could upgrade and get it. That was something they always did in the past. The guy literally said if it’s not in the contract, it will prob be taken away at some point.
    8. Yes, my wife is the redhead who knocked a guy unconscious in patyos July before closing. It was not a punch as everyone says, it was a quick elbow to his jaw. Landed on his back, head hit cement. It was immediately preceded by him grabbing her crotch with finger extended. Reason bring this up? Well, it’s still brought up by victor the bartender and several people who were there. Security guy working that night is still here and we had a great talk with him reminiscing. He said security has changed their mindset, and if someone gets laid out for touching etc, too bad for him. Said he asks people would you do that at home? No, then Why do you do it here?
    9. Just saw the end of it, guy tackling a dude on the beach. He was hiding in a women’s stall and guys wife looked up and saw him. Some weird bastards in this world!
    10. Bash shows are good, food in Bash is also very good for late night! Fajitas are really good.
    11. Sky bar is hardly used, it is crazy nice though. Just kinda boring tbh. Would not pay to go up, but the views are amazing. Too bad it’s not open til at least 9.
    12. Sports bar is great, actually play better music in there than bash lol. Wish they would put a TouchTunes in there.
    13. Forgot how good the gym is. We use after lunch. Mornings it is packed.
    14. Staff is really great, crazy how long they work here!!
    15. Was told by several bartenders considering a once a week sky bar party and close bash that night. Would do on a slow night like Tuesday.

    So far been a great trip. Last trip not so great tbh. Def glad we came back!
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  2. WestHoustonCouple

    WestHoustonCouple Regular Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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    Thanks for the update.
    How bad r the seaweed on the beach...?
  3. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    Is this your first trip back since the Renovation?
    Did you forget a hyphen?
    Of did you mean $8 - $9k?

    That security guard likes telling that story!
    He gets a big smile when describing her.
    I tell him she is her own security detail.
    Was April kickin' ass with the bachelors this week?

    Agree with you about the lame shows, Super Hero is just pathetic.
    And agree school girl is disturbing and creepy and always has been.

    Did you sell the bar?
    You too young to be retired to the golf course Mike!

    Enjoy the rest of your trip
  4. FFC/WBA

    FFC/WBA Guru Registered Member

    Sep 23, 2013
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    Warwickshire. UK
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    We found that there were larger groups of single men when we were at resort in June (larger and more of, than we'd seen before). Is Hotel encouraging more or just desperate to fill hotel ? (if so, it's failing). Agree on evening entertainment, now poor next to shows when initially re-opened, However, happy with "School Girl" night and yes, also have two daughters !!. Pool entertainment was also tame in June and hardly worth watching , let alone participating in, some days the entertainment crew we're desperate to find anyone to participate, kids stuff..... Thanks for your report, were sadly, monitoring guests experiences, before we make any decision to return.....
  5. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    Happy to hear you are having a better trip then last!
    Too bad it is so slow and too many single guys.
    I believe TTR is big time marketing the b-party thing.
    Hopefully, you will avoid the creeping crud this time around.
    Please let us know how your second half goes.

    Go Texas!
  6. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Thanks for the report.

    I'm not much of a fan of most of the theme nights either. Particularly that lingerie is on a Wednesday, and I would think with it being the farthest day from the weekend, that many people miss it, as will we, again.

    I keep hearing the same thing from SkyBar. We haven't been there yet, but will next time. I wonder what their real intention was for that area? Seems like quite a waste of time, man power, and money considering they do nothing to promote people going up there.

    Sports Bar is also nice. Only problem we had when we used it, was finding a spot that wasn't freezing cold with the air conditioning blowing straight at you.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
  7. Edward-Alli

    Edward-Alli Photofucker Registered Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
    +287 / 7
    Thanks for the update, we personally love the sky bar, we spent atleast one day up there, it is beautiful and great for a
    wind down day, have great food up there, but we are members so we don't have to pay to go up there
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  8. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Small world. We have acquaintances that just came back from TTR raving about a tall red head. I said oh ‘westtexas’? Shared your profile pic and they said yes lol.

    Curious about specifically why this trip is better than the last. Kind of recall you may of overlapped with one of the takeovers in the spring?
  9. westtexas

    westtexas Addict Registered Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Not much seaweed, and we spend time daily on the beach.
  10. westtexas

    westtexas Addict Registered Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    The sheet showed 89k lol. I think the noises we made caused him to speed up.
    Truthfully, they were very nice to us. At least 5 follow her Instagram account, so they were excited to get a picture with her. But I can tell you others would not have the same opinion of the guys.
    Sold the bar, play golf daily lol but accepted a position with a wind turbine company.
    Miss you guys, always check the photo book here and the walls to make sure we r not up there!!!
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