First of all being new to cancuncare and Temptation was a bit frightening and exciting....but sometimes you have to say..what the_____ fill in your own word but you know what we mean. Arrived Thursday early and we packed and hit the sexy pool (the resort has some offers and a presentation they want to hit you up with....your discretion here....hope you got 1.5 hours)....we didn't. Most people get in where they fit in...depending on how you are in how well your first day or 2 goes. We were recognized by the forum and people were very nice and receptive ( bracelets..very hit or miss...helps to be a black guy with a white woman in a convict suit on your Anyway, people we met were people we saw here and of course we gravitated with them in the sexy pool. Specific note here: not knowing people and being the people you are makes a difference. People ARE generally friendly and most conversations seem to start with where you are from?...use that as a platform to building block for further interaction with others. By the end of day 2...we built a little group (hopefully of the same mindset as you). We did book a cruise (Steve's Cruise is a must...what happens there stays and if you want a party ...IT is there). The bottom line is the trip what you make of it....if you want to sit back and wait for a fun time to come to you....then sit your butt at home and keep waiting. If you want to be the wild and crazy you that makes you go 'I never would thought I'd.....' COME and enjoy a little life. Go home and have a secret smile when you think of Temptation.....3 days left. Party on!!!!!!
Our first trip was in April and I agree with what you said whole-heartedly!! It is what you make it...let loose & have some fun!! It was great to have connected with people in this forum before going! Now, get off the computer and enjoy the rest of your vacation!!!