Well - it was another GREAT trip! I took 2 first timers with me that I'm pretty sure will now become repeaters. They loved it and couldn't believe how nice everyone was that they met. It was fun to watch them relax a little bit more each and every day with all the activities and picking out outfits at night. Shirts some how became dresses!! I just chuckled to myself. I told the girls they would come back changed women and I'm pretty sure they did. TTR really does change you after you have been there, even after only one visit. I can't put a finger on what it does or how it does it, but I know I've experienced it myself. Thank you to all of my wonderful friends for making my 1st May trip without Bob so welcoming and so much fun. It was great to laugh with all of you and cry with some of you. You all mean so very much to me - I don't know what I'd do without any of you. And to all of my new friends - please keep in contact and I can't wait to see each and everyone of you again. Hugs and more hugs!! :daveandmo: Shiela
Sheila, It was great to see you again! I missed those hugs. You can bring back lots more from where those two came from! Just keep them out of the pool bathrooms and away from the afternoon shots. Oh... and who said you were without Bob on this trip... I seem to remember you mentioning that you felt him there several times. Till we meet again, stay just as you are! Jamie
Wish we could have had more than one day with you Sheila. You were all partied out before we got there. Maybe next year. Anyways always fun to hang out with you girl.
Sorry we missed you this trip but hopefull next time around. Glad to hear you converted a few more - the more the better.
Shiela..It was great seeing U again and i'm happy to hear you and the girls had a great time!! By the way..Your a great Temptations trainer!! LOL tell the girls HELLO!! Talk to you later!! :daveandmo:
Missed you this year by just a few days but glad you had a great time. Next year you and your friends need to go the beginning of May with the Epic group. Always looking for new repeaters to join our group. And maybe next year Jamie might join us for more then a couple days..... Rob
sorry i missed you i was a few days late i remember you being the first person that said hello from cancun cares that was a few years ago. CANDI