MAY 2016 Trip Report

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by Tyler and Angie, May 26, 2016.

  1. Tyler and Angie

    Tyler and Angie Guru Registered Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    OK, here goes my attempt at a Trip report. I know we don't post much but we're trying to be more vigilant.
    We arrived on Wed. May 18th on a referral(shout out to Breedlove711) around 3:30 pm. Headed straight to the Premier Offices to get registered. They set us up in a Temptation Suite (1140). This room faces the ocean and is located directly in front of the Jet Ski rental area. This location offers enough of a secluded feel without being pushed off into a corner. If you like risqué behavior like being naked in public & having sex in public without all of the attention from security then this is the room for you. Of course the patrons of the resort next door nor the patrons of the stupid Booze Cruise didn't appreciate my nakedness. Who advertises a booze cruise and lets children on board? Steve, there's only one cruise and that's the BOOB's CRUISE!!! Just my thought.
    Room was typically TTR, aged but CLEAN. The AC units kicked ASS. Never had a single hot room day, even with the morning sun directly on those awesome great sliding doors.

    The Cleaning Staff were great, She kept our room clean, H20 stocked up and gave us extra towels everyday. TIP these workers, they work so hard to clean up our drunken messes they deserve it!

    The Wait staff, how can I say this other than they are one of the integral parts of the environment which we hold so dear. There wasn't a single moment we weren't taken care of fully by these workers. And of course a special shout out to Joe. Every morning we were greeted with "coffee and green juice, BOSS?" Once again, TIP these workers. They deserve our respect and we should Always show it with tips.

    Drinks/FOOD Drinks are always an issue with me, do you drink a few strong drinks or do you have many weaker drinks? Not sure, tried both. I guess it's based on how many times you want to get up and pee!
    Food is always good, fresh and plentiful.
    Ate at the Italian restaurant for the first time on this trip, Food quality was VERY good. The lasagna was terrific. Try the SEXY coffee. The show is worth it alone.

    The Entertainment Staff was a little lack luster this trip. The two girls, (one from Russia and one from Canada were good, but not as energetic as some of the past girls. Now that I'm thinking of it, maybe it was the Patrons. LOL

    Now for the Bad.
    A lot of groups of single guys. Usually not an issue with me, lord knows I enjoy me some younger guys, but seemed more than usual. Most were very respectful and kept to themselves. EXCEPT the 4-5 guys from Armenia.
    They were a bit over the top with the constant come on's. Hopefully no one got caught up in there game.

    Now, the important stuff.
    My husband spent a good bit of time inquiring into the reno's. We were shown the three spec rooms. I must say, they are AMAZING! Premier members, you may want to inquire about staying in one of these rooms. They are allowing it for upper members.
    We met one of the engineers in the hall one day so my husband got to talking with him and was shown some of the actual engineering plans.
    He informed us that the reason the shutdown is happening when it is, is for the cooler weather. He said they can push the workers a little harder plus work 24 hour schedules when needed. He said the reno's should be done around mid March!!! That's right, mid MARCH!! WHOO Fuckin HOO!!
    As Steve speculated in an earlier thread, they work quickly.
    My husband snapped a few pictures of what we were shown, I'll try to get those posted soon. What we were shown and discussed was AMAZING!!
    They're are several things happening that the video doesn't show. I think TTR die hards are going to freak out over.
    We deserve the Resort that we are about to get.
    As far as price, We were told to expect about a 15% increase. The Premier Sales Team will tell you the rooms are going up to $550 a night but don't believe them. They're just trying to get you to purchase a membership and lock in a lower price structure.
    They have already scheduled with the dredging team that is bringing in more sand to expand the beach out another 50 yards or so and get rid of the seaweed. The new tower will be for premier members only unless they have availabilities but all of the rooms are going through extensive remodeling.

    In as much as we love TTR, I can't wait for the new TTR. We deserve to have a resort that is as up to date and modern as anyone else. Unfortunately we have to be able to give up a little to get it. Our price we have to pay is we lose TTR for a brief period. A small price to pay in my eyes, which are blood shot from drinking tequila shots, wet pussies (the drink,LOL) Margaritas, little sleep, hot sun, rough sex (AHORO has buy 2 get 1 free Viagra) and spicy sauces(Village Wok).

  2. PardonTheFun

    PardonTheFun Regular Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Shreveport, LA (USA)
    +696 / 0
    I'm afraid I couldn't afford $500+/night rooms, but a 15% increase is reasonable for a nicer, newer playground. Can't wait to experience the new project!
  3. BethandDave

    BethandDave Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Albany NY
    +108 / 0
    Good report, and nice job gettting an inside scoop!
  4. 4in3yrs

    4in3yrs Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Nice review. We were there the same time as you and I would have to agree 100% with the 4-5 guys that I would have rather not been there with.
  5. plontario

    plontario Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    +83 / 0
    Great report!! Thanks for sharing.
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Great report, nice to see some positivity about the changes. I am very excited about them too.
  7. 2plus4

    2plus4 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    We were there the same time as you I think got in on the 18th and left on the 25th, we noticed quite a few groups of single guys as well, the ones we met were respectful and polite but I do know the group you talked about. My wife mentioned something about them too. Have to say we did notice some significant changes to the place, the food was still good we ate in the Italian restaurant 3 of the nights ( my personal fave) always great service ate in the Asian the one night although the food was good the waiter we had wasn't the most interactive, I'm bad with names but we had one waiter in the buffet who couldn't do enough for you and made sure to sit in his section whenever possible. He was friendly and on top of his game like I said I'd look for him before sitting down, my wife just started to ask for his section when we walked in, when I get good service I want to make sure the majority of my tips land in that person's pocket.

    The resort is starting to show it's age we noticed a lot of little things like chipped tiles, the fascia starting to pull away, some of the places looking a little rougher than the last time we saw them guess with the new design there's a little less upkeep being done as it'll be torn down shortly vibe happening. The entertainment staff tried their best to get guests up and involved I joined in a few of the games just so they would have enough to carry on, but I think there may have been a little too much reminiscing going on. Talked to a lot of people who were missing a lot of the staff that had been let go as these people do a lot for us when we're there and a lot of them you get to know real well talk about their families and are a part of that welcome home feel so not having them there was a bit of a downer.
    Thanks for bringing Sarah over after the Boobs Cruise on the 18th Steve we missed the cruise as that was our arrival, it was nice to see her and have a chat with her. We look forward to the changes but also thought something's may change the vibe a little, like the expansion of the sexy pool right now it's a good size to mingle in will the larger pool be the same and where will the tequila volley ball games be played now with out the sports pool or the foam party. If you can ask when on the tour I'd appreciate it as the guy we had didn't seem to have those answers.
  8. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    Great TR Chubbydyk, good points.

    Armenian singles? What's next? Japanese businessmen who decided that Thailand is the same-old, same-old?

    Really, my only downer with the reno is the down-time, I think that a rehabilitation, more than a simple renovation, is what TTR has needed for about 10 years. Just to keep the hotel itself "caught up" and relevant with the other, more modern construction. I think that, once it's in place, we'll all be glad for the massive upgrade, even if it has a bit of a price hike on full retail.

    It's going to be fun!
  9. Tyler and Angie

    Tyler and Angie Guru Registered Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Too bad we didn't meet at TTR! Would have loved to have had a few drinks together. It's funny how you can see people's profiles on here but when you see them in person you don't recognize them. I'm easy to pick out of a crowd though, BIG BOOBS and Thigh High Tattoos on my legs.
    We're headed back June 23rd for the weekend, then back down August 18th for my husband's Birthday. Trying to make it for the final week as well. We'll see how that goes.
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