Marriott Casa Magna **** EP

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Steve, Jan 23, 2005.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,197 / 14
    Marriott Casa Magna

    Post comments, reviews, trip reports and links to your pictures for Marriott Casa Magna here.

    Marriott Casa Magna is home to the Champions Sports Bar, a great place to keep up with your favourite team, with 2 for 1 meals available with the 2 for 1 cancun discount card

    Located at Km15 it is a 15 minute bus journey to the party center. This hotel is Ocean side. Downtown is a 35 minute bus journey away.

    Check the links below for information, availability and pricing with the following operators:

  2. calicoolguy

    calicoolguy Guest

    +0 / 0
    marriot casa magna

    i consider it an honor to be the first to report about the marriot casa magna. this is an excellent hotel. this is by far the nicest place i have ever stayed on any vacation. i found ever person and every thing to be wonderful. From the marble floors and high chadaleirs (sp) in the lobby to the pools and rooms. i found the service to be great and each person was very helpful.

    A link to my TR where i believe marriot casa magna is mentiond.
  3. Hastizle

    Hastizle Guest

    +0 / 0
    My military friends and I

    Good morning(well here it is) three of my friends and I are coming over there, to relax after being deployed for a long time, and I am wondering what the Resort has to offer us, and what it is close to? Could you hook us up with some info?!? Thanks

  4. BunnyLuv

    BunnyLuv Guest

    +0 / 0
    4 Single Women

    Not much is being said about this Hotel. Our trip is scheduled for 06/25-07/03. Does anybody have any updates or suggestions?? :lotsofmichaelf:
  5. mobrien33

    mobrien33 Guest

    +0 / 0
    hey bunny, maybe ill see you there! we just got upgraded to the mariott from the hyatt caribe and we're going may 30th to june 6th. anyone here stayed at this place? the only reason i didnt want to stay here was because i heard it was rather far away from the nightlife and party places. is this true and was it even a big deal for anyone that has stayed there? well ttyl
  6. sasha

    sasha Guest

    +0 / 0
    Casa Magan

    HI Bunny, I'll be staying at the Casa Magana that week also. It appears that it will be reopened on 6/1. From what I have read so far, for a daily fee we can use the facilities at JW Marriott next door (pool, internet access & stuff like that). Beach renovation was completed recently. It should hopefully look really nice by June. What kind of info are you looking for on the hotel. I checked out and every review was great.[/img]
  7. Patricia

    Patricia Guest

    +0 / 0
    Casa Magna

    I just want to say that the Casa Magna is our favorite hotel in Cancun. There is a lot of attention to detail. The bell guys are friendly and every morning you find a Cancun version of the Miami Herald on your door. I love the drink service on the beach and also the huge hot tub up by the pool. The breakfast buffet is great and the hamburgers for lunch are American beef. There are usually two or three network channels on the sattelite TV. You aren't going to find that at any other resort in Cancun. At least, I haven't. Please say hello to Ciro, Leo, Jose, Alberto and everyone else at the bell desk. They are wonderful. I can't wait to get back in July.
  8. iridium

    iridium Guest

    +0 / 0
    Re: 4 Single Women

    Check out the following link for recent pictures taken last week May 23rd. Looks like a great deal of work to finish. I am booked for 9 nights beginning the 26th of June and wondering what kind of shape the hotel will be in. Kind of scary.
  9. BunnyLuv

    BunnyLuv Guest

    +0 / 0
    Re-Opening date pushed back

    Marriott web site now states a re-opening date of June 15th. I was wondering if mobrien33 was back from vacation. Please give us an update on conditions at the Casa. Couple more days left......getting nervous!! :?
  10. Patricia

    Patricia Guest

    +0 / 0
    New re-opening date for the Casa Magna

    Bunny, I checked out those photos and I was shocked. There doesn't seem to be much difference from the last time I was at that property on Christmas Day. I too have reservations for July 9th. I had heard that the re-opening was going to be June 15th. I called the Casa Magna on the 16th to congradulate them on their re-opening. I found out the new re-opening date is July 5th. It seems that if you have reservations for the Casa Magna and it's not open yet, then they are putting people up at the JW Marriott next door. Not a bad trade, but I prefer the Casa Magna. It is more friendly, in my opinion. Good luck and look for Manny the bellman if you end up at the JW. He's friendly and very helpful. Thanks and hope you have a great time. Pat
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