There are lots of postings about the topless females, but what's the situation with male nudity? Is it the exception? Thanks!
only during specific games,not in public(although i wear a tuxedo thong,women get upset when i don't wear it)
Cute oscar? If a woman comments that you have a cute oscar you should be worried...that's not a good thing. Generally only little things are called cute. Last year some guy kept dropping his drawers and doing pull ups all the time. I think they let him go cause they thought he was mentally challenged. Maybe the speedo and construction boots led them through that thought process. In any case, he was the exception to male nudity not involved in a game.
Just so there is no confusion....I couldn't do a pull up if my life depended on it. Come to think of it ... if sex depended on it, I think I could do it. Either way the willy is not for display.
reminds me of july 4th party several of the girls (6 or 7) playing water volleyball got naked in the pool and this dude (i had never met was a friend of friend) came up to me and asked "how do you feel about this?" he seemed a little unsure of himself like if he was going to take off his clothes or something......... so i quickly got his mind squared up (everyone knows the house rules) "dude any time a chick want to get B A naked in my pool i got no problem with it all but the first time i see an oscar meyer this @#$% is all over we going to pack it in and shut er down........and ery body is going home" i dont care if they got d&*( like jesus ....................all done!! ive always said a horror movie aint friday the 13th or last house on elm street...........................its a naked man chasing around another naked man in my back yard dats a horror movie fer sho just sayin rob
From the other point of veiw, maybe some of us of the other sex enjoy seeing an oscar every once in a while. Terry