Lust found a great website, thought I'd pass it along

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by jmg944t, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. jmg944t

    jmg944t Guest

    +0 / 0
    Just found a great website, thought I'd pass it along

    Hi everyone,
    I just found a great free website, I have no affiliation in any way. The website is apparently run by a Chech girl who is beautiful. It gives a different workout almost every day that takes about 20 minutes. There are also dietary tips etc. etc.
    This girl is pretty easy to watch get sweaty and the workouts look killer, the videos show how it is done and the blog explains it in a bit more detail. It doesn't seem like these workouts would get boring like alot of videos we have tried.

    This might be a good way for the little women and I to spend some quality time together before we show up at TTR in Feb.

    Have a look if you care to:

    Workout Body, Workout Routine, Nutrition Information |

    I did not find this website while hunting for porn, I SWEAR!:azzangel:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2010
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