What do the guys usually wear? Are the guys required to dress up? What is the Casino/lingerie night? Is it the same thing? How much is too much for the women's lingerie? We are going Sept 18-25. Where do you find the schedule for the events? I am newbie, can you tell? All the help is greatly appreciated!
Most guys just wear boxers and a t-shirt, however some really dress up with thongs, costumes and such. The “king of the little people” wore a wash cloth last year, hard to out do that….. Mike convinced a couple of the guys to dress up/down on September 16th this year. Women wear as much or as little as they want. When you consider 50% of them are topless in the pool the gals normally go more for the sexier look. Of course there is always the group in the back of "Nice Shoes" that just watch and take pictures. Don’t be one of them, come up front and live a little. Cal
We definitely enjoy having fun! Thanks for the tip. We have never been to TTR before so we are just wondering.
Most guys wear boxers with crazy saying on them...Like " special Package Inside"...It's alot of FUN!!:lotsofmichaelfs:
Rich is looking for something special to wear without looking outragously gay he he. Its a fine line between sexy and camp for guys in the uk lol.:flaguk:
When we went last week they were turning people away from Nice Shoes if they weren't in lingerie. They made guys take off their T-shirts too. One guy wore just a sock
That's nice to hear. If your going to go to the party...Come dressed or not dressed...LOL...for the party. :xyxthumbs:artytime:artytime:
Great news indeed! A recurring complaint has been "gawkers" at lingerie night dressed in street clothes sitting in the back row taking pictures. Sounds like maybe they've changed the policy, much for the better!