I know this is strange question, but is there a laundry at TTR. We could pack much lighter if we could wash a load of clothes mid week.
The hotel has a laundry service, usually takes a day or two to get it back, however there is a washer and dryer behind the store down the road for a few bucks you can use...
at no point during the trip did I even think about doing laundry, nevermind wondering if there were laundry services available or nearby!
Man that is pretty quick, they must have changed things around a bit from years ago, I tried once and was worried id never see them again lol..
There is a laundry mat ouside of Temptations on the same property own by the hotel. I just bring liquid tide and wash the workout stuff by hand then hang dry.Saves me bringing all kinds of workout outfits. Yep I work out everyday cause I just know that the thing is gonna be "who works out on holidays".
Oh right....I was going to workout while on vacation...ooopsssy!! LOL I did have good intentions though just didn't have a buddy.
I worked out a little while ago, Like 2008 or something.. I still havent mentally recovered from all the sweat and work. Just point me to the bar and Ill have a drink while I contemplate the next year ill work out
Jim I am gonna make you get healthy yet. Help clear the systems of alcohol so I can do it over and over.:aktion030:Like a true patriot:flagcanada:showing off my:bootyshaken the dancefloor and :lotsofmichaelfs:while i listen to Chinos and :musik001: Alex.