*LAST MINUTE QUESTION 1* -- Hotel Fax Number / Room Requests

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by ~*Cancun Princess *~, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. ~*Cancun Princess *~

    ~*Cancun Princess *~ Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Chicago, IL
    +4 / 0
    Hello Everyone! Its the *last minute crammer here* ... I'm probably going to have a few last minute questions - and *I PROMISE* I'll *search* before boring everyone with the *same ol question* again but I thought I'd ask if anyone knows the *FAX NUMBER* of the Temptation resort - so that I may ask for a certain room location / preference or anything - the reason I ask is that this year we are celebrating our *20th year anniversary* and I think that's a nice pretty big deal so what I would like to do is of course have the best room *POSSIBLE*!

    This will only be our *2nd* trip to Temptation and the room we had last year (I can't remember the number) - but here's the location:

    When you come out FROM the lobby TO Patty'os .... you immediately go 'left' up the stairs to the 2nd floor and our room was like the 2nd or so door right off the staircase. This had a *pretty nice* pool view (and even though it's "ocean view" a somewhat *ok* view of the ocean (I know the difference between OCEAN VIEW and OCEAN FRONT) ... but of course the *LOUD NOISES* from Patty's at nights were sometimes trying - but TOTALLY LIVEABLE since we enjoyed the room / view so much.

    That being said .... the room of course had a horrendous sewer smell - which I believe LOTS of people are having or have had those issues ... but my question is - I believe those "ocean front" rooms are all for the timeshare members - but I'm not sure if they'd make an exception due to the fact that we requested it or because it's a special occasion - so I'm wondering if anyone can provide me the best tips or room locations for me to *try* and get accomplished!

    I'd appreciate it greatly ! If you dont want to reply here - please email me at cruisemermaid@sbcglobal.net - or inbox me - thanks so much and I'll probably have a few more questions along these next few hours / days ! :) :) :) CANT WAIT and MOST DEFINTELY CANT WAIT TO MEET PEEPS FROM THESE FORUMS !!! :)
  2. ~*Cancun Princess *~

    ~*Cancun Princess *~ Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Chicago, IL
    +4 / 0
    (((And most importantly -- I need to know if someone there can speak ENGLISH well enough to interpret the fax / requests - I'm sure ... but not 100% sure ...!!))) :)
  3. Brewster

    Brewster I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    Calgary, Alberta
    +1 / 0
    Express Check In

    Hi there,

    I just posted a link to an Express Check In website page for TTR. It's in the Temptation Cancun topic pages. There is an area for special requests where you can ask for a particular room location.

    We usually stay over by the quiet pool. Never noticed any sewer smell.

    Good luck and have fun!
  4. pam&paul

    pam&paul Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2011
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    Are all the rooms by the quiet pool jucuzzi rooms? I just booked a regular room so I was wondering what room to request.
  5. Brewster

    Brewster I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    Calgary, Alberta
    +1 / 0
    Only the ground floor surrounding the quiet pool are jacuzzi rooms, to my knowledge. The jacuzzi is located on the balcony, which is equipped with a pull down shade. Otherwise there is no difference in the rooms.
  6. kmachate

    kmachate Guest

    +0 / 0
    Last time I was there I stayed near where you were, except on the 2nd floor. My room overlooked the quiet pool. I had a balcony room - the one in the brochure, actually.. I shared the balcony with the room next to me but that was never an issue. The only issue with that hallway was VERY loud. It echoed really badly and it seemed as if EVERYONE slammed their door, which was amplified.

    That's what I get for asking for a room near the gym..
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