"Laptown" Franchised shop in Cancún

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Steveshire, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Steveshire

    Steveshire Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I'm an Englishman now living here in Cancún, before you think about possibly getting this Franchised branch of "Laptown" your laptop, please be aware they gave me very poor customer service.

    1) Took my laptop to be repaired, they said it would take 2 days, I said I'd return in 3 day and gave them contact numbers to call me if there was a problem.

    ‎2) Returned 3 days later and the staff said its not ready, in fact they had not touched it! No appology given or reason why they hadn't called me.
    After contacting head office in Montery I received a call from the man who runs both Cancún and Merida "Laptown". He said he was sorry for the problems and asked me to take my computer back to their shop. I did this yesterday.

    3) Today I got another call from his man, saying they would not repair my laptop unless I paid them to do it first. He said it was normal practice to get payment up front, at no time on either visit to their shop
    was anything said about having to pay before the work was completed. JUST BE AWARE OF THIS SHOP,
    maybe there are better places to take your lappy if you want it repaired!! ??? I collected my laptop unrepaired!!
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2013
  2. perceived beauty

    perceived beauty Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Maybe they did not like your accent. I have taken several computers to them...never had to pay up front...the work was done promptly, sometimes even the same day....and they always called me when it was finished...I was in there 2 days ago and they diagnosed my problem at the front desk. I have used another repairman in Cancun, an American, and he is cheaper but not nearly as fast.

    I would say you made a mistake when you flexed your muscles in the corportate office. Nobody likes it coming downhill on them. Just the humble opinion of a satisfied customer.
  3. Steveshire

    Steveshire Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Thank you for your comments, however there would have been no problem with them at all if they had done what they had said in the first place. Like you they identified the problem with my laptop at the front desk, said it might take a day to get the part needed, but then they did NOTHING. As a franchise to the "Laptown" company they have certain resposibilities and rules to mentain this franchise but they seem to have their own ideas of how to treat their clients.
    My aim by publishing my experience of "Laptown" Cancún is to hopefully advise other potential customers of what MIGHT happen to them.
    In my humble opinion if a company insists you pay for their service BEFORE they have done it, maybe they are not confident that the client will be happy with their service and refuse to pay.
    Would you pay for your car to be serviced before they did it? I very much doubt it!!
  4. Steveshire

    Steveshire Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    "Laptown" Cancún Franchised shop - Thieves!!

    Yet another customer with a bad experience with this place!!

    Patricia Canfield They are thieves. I brought my husband's mac to be repaired while he was out of town. They kept giving me ridiculous excuses. The head of the Merida and Cancun office is a THIEF. After 2 weeks he finally agreed to give me back the machine. He waited for me outside the store with a machine in his hands and haned it to me. I of course did not know....when I showed it to my husband that night...the machine was empty. They stold all of the components inside and gave me back an empty case.
  5. Gringation

    Gringation Guru Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2010
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    "Laptown" hahahahaha
  6. davisod

    davisod Addict Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    There's a French strip club in Quebec (that's a province in Canada that we all wish would "go and become its own country" - and stop mooching billions yearly off us taxpayers) with that name.
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