Hi all, Is it safe to have a personal laptop in your room? Should it be locked down? I don't think it will fit into the room safe. How big are the safes?
Im sure it will not fit in the safe, however last year I was talking to the hotel night manager about my laptop and concerns of it getting stolen when I was gone for the day or out with the hotel to the clubs, He reminded me that the hotel would hold it for me either behind the desk or since the manager and I became good friends , he said he would lock it in his desk if need be..... they are nice to have cuz of the wifi there and being able to email your friends and rub it in that they are not there lol.. i would just talk to the desk or the manager about if you have concerns while your not in the resort.....
I took my laptop last year and left it on the desk. No Problems at all. I always tip the maids well everyday and I am sure that helps. I have never had anything stolen in 7 years. It helps to get to know the maids that clean you room. They are the best in my opinion. I have left money out and they will not take it unless it is on the bed. Never lost a peso.
I'm assuming there are locks on the room doors. The only person to have access to the room would be the maid. The last thing any maid or room steward would ever do is steal from a guest. Not only would they loose their job but they know they would get caught and possibly arrested. I worked in the industry for years and every case where someone tried to accuse the maid of stealing it turned out to be the guests fault in some way. I would always trust what's left in a hotel room. The only case where I would worry a bit would be if it was a room with an actual key that could have copies out there. The Plastic card keys are traceable so you will always be able to see who accessed and when. Any master key will show a code in the lock so security would always know who went in the room. That part was my job. I plan to bring my mac, iphone, ipod and a lot of money as i do everywhere i go. Never had an issue.
I just always tell people that are on the bottom floor to always use that wood to secure your patio door shut.. if its not there when you get there, call the desk and they will come bring you one.
I have taken my laptop to Temptation at least 5 times, and never had a problem. What I do is I put it inside my empty suitcase, lock it and of course take the key with me. Hope this helps.
Never had an issue with our laptop or anything else for that matter...unless you want to include my empty Gatorade bottle that I use at the gym which was thrown out once or the cute towel animals on the bed, lol. Seriously though, NEVER an issue We do practice out of sight out of mind. We just put the laptop in the desk drawer.
We always take at least one laptop with us. We've been to numerous resorts and, knock on wood, have never once experienced an issue. That's not to say it cannot happen but so far, so good.