Hey! Is there currently a thread for theme nights for Labor Day week? If not, let's get it started!!!! Woo
http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/tem...-labor-day-crew-theme-nights-sept-5-12-a.html We better get that ABC night.
You're a stronger man than I am if you put that stuff anywhere near your junk. I'll say this - Shelby came out of left field with a killer suggestion for Anything But Clothes night. Best part is it doesn't involve packing anything, really. :wink3:
lol.. There will definitely be some sort of protection for the junk. Side story. I have a friend who's wife is a nurse.. She came home after working a double, and he was trying to get some.. She wanted nothing to do with it. He whipped it out, she said get that thing away from me or you'll regret it. He kept trying, so she grabs her surgical tape from around her neck on her stethoscope, and wraps it around his junk.. Needless to say, he's never tried that again lol.