We're making our third trip to TTR this October. Being a married Lesbian couple, we've always wanteed to bring some 'toys' with us to spice up the trip etc... However, i'm petrified that i'll press the button through arrivals in Cancun airport, the light will go Red and they would search my bags to find out collection of toys... Has anyone ever had this dilema or experience and what was the reaction of the airport staff.... i think i would be mortified and Morgan (although she wants me to bring our little friends!) won't carry them either but wondering about biting the bullet this year... Hope you don't mind this type of question but i just need some clarification! Lol :icon_redface::69::daveandmo:
Some people put their toys right on the top so if the security opens the luggage they get embarrassed. I'm sure they have seen it all! If you hit the red light and they see your toys and smile and give a wink!
We have had the red light our last two trips to Mexico, green the 8 before that. Our last trip to Temptation we had the toys, theme gear and all kinds of crap. They opened the bag took a quick rummage and closed it up. No big deal. If you are concerned about them pulling them out into the open that really does not happen much but just in case put the toys in a cloth bag or something inside the suitcase I can assure you they will fell it and most likely move on very quickly.
You all got married and you proudly display that you are a same sex couple. There are just as many closed minded people out there about that as there might be about "toys". You rightfully don't care what those closed minded people think about your relationship, so don't care about your travel toys! Plus, if you hit the red button and they search, you will only have 2-3 minutes of awkwardness and then you will be on your way. Remember that you will never see those airport personnel or the tourists around you again. Besides, there are lots of people coming to TTR and I would bet 75-90% of them have fun items in their checked bags. Just don't put them in your carryon, you are sure to have them pulled out and displayed to all at every security point you go through.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Last time we went through on our way to TTR, we got tagged. They opened it up, opened the box the NJoy came in, gave us a raised eyebrow look, and let us on our way. They've seen it all and don't care. ProTip: When traveling with battery operated toys, take the batteries out before packing so they don't accidentally turn on. That will get security's attention for sure.
We've had it happen. They just looked and smirked. They were in my bag so I just smiled and pointed at Melissa. Then we moved on and got to the resort and were very glad to have them with us.
I am sure those Security people have seen it all, and they won't stop you just to see what you are carrying (in terms of toys).
Well i have to be fair, you guys have put my mind at ease and made me think 'Clearly i'm not the only one to be carrying toys in our suitcase!' so f**k it...! Lol. I'm sure we'll have a better time with them so i'm just gonna do it! Thanks you guys!
Bring everything...the worst case scenario would be that a couple security folks find out that you plan to have a great week...and you'll never see them again. I think it'll also add a little interesting fun to your travels...wondering if that red light will appear. Fair's fair, though...you should each have half the toys in your respective bags...and then have a healthy laugh when the red light shows up.