Ive been adding and recieving many friend requests from several ppl here on CC and Its beginning to make me wonder how ppl will find us to say hello and vice versa so........... Ive decided I am going to bring a plain white shirt and add my CC name on it (KELLY CAT) with a permanent marker and pull it over my loungechair so ppl can find us... Its just a thought but I figured it just might work as there may be a strong possibility I wont be coherrant enough to recognize them AFTER ALL THE DRINKS AND SHOTSSSSS lol :aktion069:LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING YOU ALL!
We usually tell people to look for the USC/Clemson Towels but then again Most people will introduce you to others so it will not take long. CC members such as Major Jamie rule the side of the pool by the beach so we have a good view of all the activities.
Exactly...I ended up passing out on someone elses red towel while they stood wondering WTF, so the Tshirt will definatelt also HELP ME!
We always take our own beach towels too. This year I think we are going to get ours embroidered - especially since our CCC name is the same as our names. I like your idea too. If we decide not to take towels - then I will probably do what you are doing! ~Jill~
We just made a shirt last week with our names on it . It turned out really sweet 10 more days to sport it on a sexy pool chair