Hey all you Cancuncare peeps.If you want to put the stamp on your trip to Temptation, organize a Booze Cruise with Steve. You will not regret it. It has been the highlight of my last 3 trips and I know I dont speak alone on this. The resort is great but once you get out on the open water on a Booze Cruise the resort kinda plays second fiddle.The crew is great.The activities are a blast. And the atmosphere is just too much for words. Im sure every BC is different but I can speak for 50+ others that the cruise on the 16th was Epic in nature. Unfuckingforgettable! Pardon my french. Anyways......get your ass in gear and start getting one organized. Just Do It!
I will second that Chet. Whipped cream, body shots and also seeing Jim in my thong was priceless. Can't wait til next years cruise.
10 Days at Temptations - $1,200 Airfare - $400 Seeing an out of Shape man wedged into a sheer micro bikini on a booze cruise - Priceless
I third!!!!! Wasn't there with you all but last years cruise in August was an absolute blast and Steve even gave the go ahead even though there was only 17 of us...PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
respectable moment on the Cruze Please respect or edit pictures before posting so that people can continue to let loose Awsome fun Steve , The one shot of Tequila I had was great
Thanks for the kind comments all. Have to say the cruises have been great fun this year and none rained off so far. It's been Boobs Cruise crazy this year - over 500 people have been on the cruise in 2011 and we've had cruises almost every week. That's about twice as many as in 2010. I think I'm on No 13 for the year so far, with No 14 tomorrow. I never get tired of them - havent missed one yet in 5 years The stories I could tell! As we move towards the summer though they will probably reduce in frequency, simply because high season in Cancun is Jan thru April and there usually just aren't enough people around to sustain one a week from May onwards. We'll continue to run them though if we can get the numbers.
Just a little note on the cancuncare wraparounds (if that's the right word). These are hand sewed by my wife's (Jannet) Mom and the logo hand painted by her brother, they are a nice little addition when people go for lunch and their bikini top is flying from the mast. If the girls want to keep them, many do, we sell them for $5 which we pass on to the family members that made them.