Going for the first time end of July. Girlfriend and I Can't wait to relax and have some drinks. Anyone going same time would like to know? From Pittsburgh PA! Real good at partys!! Hope there is a lot!!!!
Welcome to the Board. Have fun at Temptations...you will be addicted to the place just like all of us. PARTY AT TEMPTATIONS IN 8 DAYS!!! Ronald
There are roll call threads at the top so you can see who will be there at the same time. If you want you guys could bring me along. I could keep you company. :lol: I would love another trip down there!
Hey no problem. I seem to be having too much trouble sleeping anyway. At least it will give me something to do on sleepless nights for the following couple weeks. Just an FYI...I weight (very very) slightly over the 50 pound weight restriction so you may incur a small fee. :wink:
Thanks for the heads up on the strings. It will come in handy. Im so looking forward to going and having a blast!!! See people there July 29th!!!
Oh AHHHHM. I only have 5 hours left to report on! I am only making arrangements to go. I aint leaving for a few days. Hey Jamie, Hijacked threads were my specialty when I used to frequent a scrapbooking message board! At least I TRIED to stay on topic. They wanted to know who would be there. I offered to be there. See. I tried! I have a mild case of ADD. I am sorry. (how can you be mad at a cute face like that?) Ronald, in as short as possible. My oldest is in juvie right now. Since the return of my trip I have called the police on her no less than 20 times. Going to court this am with a huge lump on my head, nail marks in my hand and I pulled a small dog out of my head from her pulling on my hair today to ask the judge that they finally punish her for the violence that she inflicts on my family. Violence to me is the tip of the ice burg so to say. She is 13 and I already had to buy a pregancy test for her a few months ago. Really out of control, no punishment I give her works. I took all her belongings and put them in the deadboldt locked basement until she could earn them. She seriously broke down the door. Grounding. She walks out of the house. It is killing me. And over the last week it killed my relationship too I think. I doubt G and I will be able to get through this crap. I dont blame him I doubt I would stick around if it were his kid calling me a pu$$y and throwing crap at his brand new car. Prolly TMI but that is it in a nutshell. :?