I've been told that a local company is planning to send representatives to Mexico City and Monterrey, places where the best IT training is the country is reputed to be offered, recruiting to fill 3-4 new positions for IT people in Cancun. If you have high qualifications these are, for Mexico, good paying positions. They require Spanish Language, and a willingness to work under Mexican management: all the personel in the department are Mexicans, including the department head. If you have a serious interest, and meet those general qualifications, I could try to get your resume in front of them, to see if leads to an interview.
An update- These positions were filled by people recruited in Mexico City Seven were offered jobs and five accepted: most of those hired had graduated in the last year or two and had limited work experience The positions came with relocation benefits and the new hires started at 20-25000 pesos per month depending partly on length and quality of experience These salaries are low by US standards but adequate to live a middle class life here _________________ One of my friends asked why they were planning to go to Mexico City and Monterrey to recruit I suspect it's for the same reasons that companies set up booths in job fairs and run ads in newspapers in which prospective employees are invited to a hotel to meet representatives from out of town companies: sometimes you've got to go to some trouble to get good people- and be willing to go to them rather than make them come to you